Infection in implants

Have literally just got home after spending the new year in hospital. Have had redness swelling and a very hot breast causing me to have very high temperatures and rigors.This was described as an infection in the implant needing intravenous antibiotics.
How on earth did that happen? I had a fixed implant under chest muscle on 14th Sep 07. Can’t be a wound infection at this late stage.
I have had a chesty cough which has been driving me mad especially at night for the past week.
Could the coughing have done it??? I was certainly never warned not to get a cough when I had it done!!!
Has anyone else had an infection in their implant and do you think it will have to be removed? I have now got an appointment for next Thurs to see surgeon. I suppose I’ll find out then.

Happy new year to all


Hi Sandra,
I am sorry to hear about your experience. I hope that the hospital are able to get this resolved for you. If it’s any help to you, I also had an infection a few months after I had the LD flap recon with an implant and it did entail me having the implant removed. HOWEVER, please see how things go as your experience may not be the same the antibiotics may do the trick and definitely keep in regular contact with the hospital and don’t feel you’re pestering them. Don’t worry about the cough, that’s probably an offshoot of the infection and there are lots of people with coughs and colds this time of year.
I wish you all the very best and hope this gets sorted for you soon,

I had a nasty infection (pseudomonas) following my lat dorsi recon which involved me being re admitted and having intravenous antibiotics and washouts of my wound, followed by daily dressings for quite a while until the wound fully healed, but my implant was saved and the end result is brilliant!

So, hang in there Sandra, give your body a helping hand and eat well and get your rest. Listen to your body, and if you run a temperature again, or feel concerned ask to see someone to get it checked out.

Meanwhile, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Thursday and your surgeon’s visit. The antibiotics may well have done the trick, as in my case!

Let us know how you get on.

Luv Mags -x-

Hi just returned from hospital again… Only out 36 hours and started having a temp of 39. So went back in and am on intravenous antibiotics again but this time I am at home doing them myself. I am a children’s community nurse so was able to persuade them that I could do it.
Ultrasound performed this time which showed fluid around the implant with debris in. How disgusting does that sound.
Hey ho I am starting to prepare myself for the inevitable but you never know this might work.

Hi Sandra,

Sorry to hear you’ve had another trip to hospital, though it must be better to be at home on the intravenous antibiotics. I suppose it’s not possible for them to take a swab culture to see exactly which antib’s would be best, so maybe this new batch they are giving you will do the trick!

Hang in there honnie, all is not lost yet.

luv Mags