Infiltrated Carcinoma - Can any one enlighten me

Hi all, and hope you are all as well as can be expected.

I was dx january this year age 28 and am nearly a year on. I had invasive ductal carcinoma, op, chemo, rads now on Tamoxifen.

A friend of mine has now been dx with Infiltrated Carcinoma age 30.

I have no idea what this means and have never heard of it. She has come to me for answers but I no nothing about this cancer.

Have any of you heard of this,

I would be so greatful for any info,


Mandy xxx

Hi Mandy

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Invasive and infiltrating mean the same thing :-

Invasive (infiltrating) carcinoma — The tumor cells invade the breast stroma; they have the potential to metastasize and result in death of the patient.

Hello RMW26
I am sure that Mandy really needed to read that.

Take your point hotmint - but I actually clicked on the link given - and the description was merely cut and pasted from the website ( very informative website I have to say). You yourself have made reference to dying in another post (or rather not having the time to lol) - it’s just not something anything of us like to think about I guess.

I think anyone who has got this far, and Mandy herself had already had ID cancer - is aware of it’s POTENTIAL - and that’s the important word - to do other things

I honestly don’t feel that RMW26 meant any harm - was just responding to a query - that had had no other replies.

Mandy - hope your friend is coping with the dx, does she have a treatment plan yet? I am sure you will be able to give her lots of support and tips

Margaret x

Thanks Margaret :slight_smile:

The reality is that this disease kills 13000 women a year in the UK, and if we can’t mention it here, where can we mention it?

The moderator replied without answering the question; she just referred the lady to BCC’s ask the nurse service or phone line.

I wanted to clarify the discussion here on infiltrating and invasive breast cancer. Both are terms frequently used in pathology reports in conjunction with other characteristics which describe the type of breast cancer seen, and help inform what types of treatment best to offer the patient.

For example the term infiltrating or invasive is used to describe cancer which has spread outside of the duct or lobule in the breast.

This means that the cancer does have the ability to spread, however the grade of the cancer is also important, it size and if it has already spread outside of the breast at the time of diagnosis as well as any identified growth factors on or in the cells.

All these characteristics are important in treatment options and choice which in turn has a vital impact upon successful treatment of the disease.

We know that more people are surviving breast cancer than ever before, and breast cancer survival rates have been improving for more than twenty years. In the 1970s around 5 out of 10 people with breast cancer survived beyond five years. Now it’s 8 out of 10.

These improvements in survival have been attributed to a number of factors, earlier detection by both screening and those with symptoms, improved treatments and cohesion of specialist teams treating people with breast cancer.

I hope this helps

Thanks Tara

Just a thought. Surely it would be helpful if the BCC moderators were able to answer simple questions like the one above without referring everyone to the phone lines or the email a nurse service.

that’s a good reply and as RMW says, so much better than the usual ‘thanks for asking but please just call this number’ answer.

you point out that survival rates are improving, but it’s important to note that the patients are getting younger. mandy is 28, her friend is 30 and i was 30 at diagnosis. we can never benefit from early screening as we’re not considered at risk of this disease. our symptoms are ignored by gps as we are considered too young for this disease. as for a specialist team…i have an oncologist and no further support- obviously i feel a bit lost, but as i’m young i was considered to be ok getting on with it by myself.

but finally, mandy, i hope that you and your friend have a good support network and keep you head above water- especially through the current season.
