Infiltration in right middle lobe

Infiltration in right middle lobe

Infiltration in right middle lobe Hi Girls, Well Iam going back on chemo next week after an 11 month break. About a month ago I had a CT that showed stable tumors but a slight increase in infiltration in the right middle lobe. My onc had decided to play the wait and see game, since that appt. I have had a few symtoms slowly creep up. I have post nasal drip, a cough, and this weird sneeze I get only after I cough. The sneeze starts in my throat after I cough. It doesn’t start in my face. These were my orginal symptoms when I was first dx and onc thought it was just allergies, but they cleared up after two doses of chemo. The onc feels this time around that these are symptoms and not allergies, so it’s time to start chemo. My first treatment was abraxane/avastin and it was still working when onc decicded to give me a break. I can still go back on this chemo since it still worked but we have decided on vinolerbine for this round. I was just looking for some more info on the infiltration and how serious this might be. I can’t have the dye with my CT do to severe allergic reaction. The onc did say that the infiltration could be a mass. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about infiltration? Funnyface

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