inflamatory breast cancer

I am half way through FEC chemotherapy for inflammatory breast cancer and am also disabled and a single mum. my journey so far as felt so lonely and desperate I badly need to touch base with others going through the same thing.
Mine started with pinkness on part of right breast noticed by my daughter while helping me with a shower that was 5th feb, after lots of core biopsies and skin biopsies mamograms mri scans ultrasound scans a ct scan showed enlarged lymph nodes. A biopsy was scheduled and he in fact removed one large node which came back as inflamatory breast cancer, I already knew it to be aggressive so was distraught.I had all the symptoms redness pain in breast under arm down arm orange peel skin inverted nipple enlarged breast etc I am 50 and my kid is only 14. I have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome for the last 3 years and am wheelchair bound. I need a friend who is wining this battle and is eostrogen and her negative as i am …people are praying for a miracle all over the world recent ct scan after chmo no 3 showed only minimal reduction in size so no surgery just radiotherapy next. However new red patches have appeared and heart rate is way too high considering it was low . I just need somone who understands my fears my hopes and where i am at lesleyanne

Hi Lesleyanne

Just wanted to say hello, I have oestrogen and Progesterone+++ BC so different to yours, but I am 50 with a 12 yr old kid so can relate to that also relate to chemo ( number 6 next week) and followed by radiotherapy.

Thinking of you

Kim x

Thanks Kim I think the hardest thing for me is even just the thought of not being here to see her blossom into womanhood. I am mostly positive despide bad odds but I am also a woman so sometimes the tears just come tumbling out and its hard when the only one who can dry them is our kid. Your being positive is better than me as far as I know it means hormones will work with you , they wont with me. I live in scotland by the way. I have an emergency appointment due to very high pulse on thursday and new red marks but my chmo no 5 is next wed. Buy the biggest aloe plant you can froma garden centre its suposed to be better than any creams but check first in regards to radiotherapy. I hope your area isnt as big as mine.tey will hit me from the neck to bottom of my ribs around towards my back axilla and down inside right lymph nodes are too tightly packed for my surgeon to feel safe about surgery at this point. My heart goes out to you that 2 extra years my kid has on yours makes it easier and harder .laughs mine is understanding but argh also a teenager laughs bless you and al with you in prayr lesleyanne

Hi Lesleyanne

My 12 year old was hit by a car on his way to school this morning!!! We do not know what is around the corner or what is going to happen next!!! Luckily he is OK just a few bruises, and very shocked.

You take good care and enjoy your daughter.

Kim x

Hi lesleyanne,

I was dx with IBC 2 years ago.
I had 4 x FEC, which, sadly, did not work very well for me, followed by 6 x Taxotere.
Taxotere is aggressive chemo which had very good results for me, so it was worth it.

I’ve had a couple of hiccups along the way but am currently doing well and back at work.

Good luck with your ongoing treatment, ask away if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer.
