Inflammation in my breast


I had WLE in March of last year followed by 6 FEC and 20 Rads. I have had my first mammogram in February this year all clear.

Last night my breast looked inflamed and hot and hard at some parts. Phoned BC nurse at hospital who told me to see my GP as it might be an infection. Got an appointment with GP who has given me antibiotics as she thinks my breast is swollen, has told me to give it till Friday to see if they help. If not to phone BC nurse who will arrange an appointment with my surgeon.

Has anybody had anything similar a year after operation.

Love Anne xx

Hi Anne
Yes I have the same thing going on at the moment. I had WLE for 2 very small tumours. One lobularl and one tubular late Sept 2010 followed by 15 rads and 5 booster which I finished 15 December. I have been taking Letrozole since late October and it’s proving a rough ride with a lot of joint pain.

I had a cyst drained 4 weeks ago and am wondering if this is a mild infection following that. I am seeing my surgeon on Monday for routine appt and will be asking him to check carefully for infection.

I hope you soon improve

Posy x