Hello, I’m new on the forum and just need some advice/reassurance.
I’m 39 and had a total hysterectomy and BSO last September due to recurring endometriosis and was feeling really well for the first 3 months or so. I wasnt taking HRT due to the endo, as estrogen can encourage it to grow back so I am just taking dietary supps which are working fine and keeping the hot flushes etc at bay :o)
Last December I found a pea size lump under my right arm, I dont know how long it was there for as I was a bit overweight due to my illness and so quite chubby under my arms.
I did a search on the internet and read various things saying it was probably just a blocked sweat gland or an inflamed lymph gland fighting an infection, I was just recovering from a nasty chest infection and had been on antibiotics so I didnt do anything about it.
I’ve lost half a stone in the last month and about 2 weeks ago I noticed the lump wass still there, its hard but doesnt hurt or move and I’ve had this strange aching under my arm and when my arms are by my side I feel like there’s something under my arm bigger than a pea sized lump but I cant actually feel anything else under there.
I then started getting a hot burning sensation under my arm and down the right side and underneath my breast, it would come and go.
Last weekend it got worse and its there constantly now, it feels like when you get bad sunburn; really hot, tingly burning sensation. I havent got any other symptoms such as redness or nipple discharge but my breast does feel a little swollen and heavy.
I went to see my GP last Wednesday and described all the symptoms and she examined me and felt the lump.
She said the lump is nothing to worry about, she said its some sort of cyst (I cant remember what she called it?), its not a swollen lymph gland.
She felt all round my breast and it was quite tender and I was in some discomfort. I explained to her that the burning sensation has got worse and is under my arm and affecting all of my breast now and I am also getting a very warm sensation, like someone is pouring a warm fluid across my breast (this comes and goes on a regular basis).
She mentioned referring me to a breast clinic and then asked about family history, has anyone had breast cancer or any other type of cancer. My greast aunt (who is 79) has stage 3 cervical cancer with matastasies (?) and is receving palliative care and my grandfather died from cancer when I was little. I dont know about my dad’s side of the family as my parents divorced when I was very young.
After I had explained all that she changed her mind about referring me and said as there’s no history of breast cancer, I havent got a lump or a rash or nipple discharge and because my breast hurts (which she said is a good sign as you dont get breast pain with breast cancer ??) and also my symptoms have come on very quickly she thinks its just an infection which is trying to break to the surface so she’s prescribed me a course of antibiotics (Flucloxacillin) and told me go back next Wednesday if things havent improved and she’ll take it from there, she said one week wont make any difference.
I’ve been taking antibiotics for 5 days now and I havent seen any improvement, in fact the burning and hot breast/under arm has got much worse since Wednesday. I’ve got a horrible dull throbbing pain now under my arm (which is a bit swollen now) and right side of my breast. There’s no discolouration to my breast but it feels really hot and tingly, its keeping me awake at night and its constant now, I cant wear my bra now either as its so uncomfortable. I’ve even tried taking co-codamol and diclofenac to help with the pain and swelling (I’m prescribed these for my endometriosis) and its made no difference.
I’m starting to worry now so I am going to try and get an appointment for tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday.
I’m not one for thinking the worse normally but havintg done a search on my symptoms, inflammatory breast cancer keeps cropping up again and again and I’m worried.