Inflammatory breast cancer



does anyone know if you can develop secondary inflammatory breast cancer, my mum had stage 3 invasive ducal carcinoma with the lymph nodes affected. She has had chemotherapy, lumpectomy and radiotherapy followed by a course of herceptin and letrozole.  The oncologist at her last appointment diagnosed cellulitis but then referred for mammograms and ultrasound, following the scans the nurse telephoned and said that they are referring her to the surgeons however there was no visible signs of cancer but it was extremely important she kept the appointment.  She is seeing the surgeon on Thursday but today the breast has become red,swollen and increasingly painful, any advice would be greatly received.



I think if it comes back in the same place it’s a local recurrence and not secondary , that is the term for BC that has spread to other parts of the body, take heart in the fact that her tests have shown no evidence of cancer, it could just be an infection they want to deal with, I know it’s all very frightening but try not to let your mind run away with you until your mum has been for her appointment xx