Info about Kadcyla - new drug for Her2 advanced cancer

The FDA recently approved a new drug called Kadcyla, and it is now available in the States, and I understand is being trialled in the UK
Kadcyla is a new generation of Herceptin used to treat Her2 cancers that have progressed after treatment with Herceptin and Tykerb (Lapatanib). I believe it combines three drugs (1) Herceptin (2) a chemo (3) a chemically modified agent that delivers these two directly into the cancer cell (so no chemo SE’s.
Have provided a link to article about it for anyone who is interested.

Bumping so post appears

Very interesting…thank you Lemongrove xxx

Thanks LG

Sorry, I made a mistake in my original post and said it is not available in the states, when in fact it is. I mis-typed.

Good news , keep these new treatments coming xxx

Very interesting, thanks for that Lemongrove. No doubt it will be a fight to get it approved by NICE.

Pumpkin x

Lemongrove, thank you for this post.