Information DVD for DIEP/Tram Reconstruction

I had an immediate DIEP recon after mastectomy for DCIS in Sept 2005. At the time, I was asked to participate in a patient information DVD, in the form of a diary of my experiences, to help others. I was really pleased that something positive might come out of this awful experience, so said yes.It also seemed that not all women are being offered this surgery; another ‘postcode lottery’ issue?
It was finally launched last week, and the DVD is available to all.
Visit to see parts of it, and to order the entire DVD.
It has been put together by Plastic Surgeons, and has info from several other women, and BCNs, as well as footage of my surgery (!) and descriptions of the various types of reconstruction.
I hope it is found to be a useful resource for the many women who have to face this dreadful diagnosis, and then a difficult and complicated choice about surgery.
Let me know what you think, and good luck to all facing this decision right now.
Best wishes,