Hello ladies i have just returned from my gp just had a blood test for menapausal get results on fri how will i know if im at the begining in the middle or cumin to the end

He’ll tell ya! At least that is how I understand it … :slight_smile:
I had a blood test last week to see if I was postmenapausal as it is now a year since my last period. When I called for results of blood test I was told that I was and an appointment has been arranged with the oncologist to discuss whether I should come off of Tamoxifen and on to something else.

well i no he will tell me but what will he say i no its a blood test does it go on numbers to find out what level you are at i dont no this is all new to me its been a year since my last period to will he just say your middle end r beginning and then what happens

He’ll either say your definitely menopausal or that it’s inconclusive - in other words they don’t know. If you definitely menopausal then the hormone treatment you get is different from if you were pre-menopause or part way there.
Sarah x


You’re welcome - and I’m glad to see you’re still around and asking questions!