****ing *****y cellulitis

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Hi Norberte

Big hugs for you this morning. Yes I get it too and go from feeling normal to very I’ll within about 3 hours. I now have antibiotics to carry round in my handbag so that I can self medicate when I recognise the signs (ciprofloaxocin…or something like that). I then drag myself to the doctors a couple of days later to confirm my self diagnosis and get replacement tablets for the ones I am using. Am really poorly in the first 48 hours. Like bad flu symptoms and it wipes me out for a good week. The rash on the arm gets very bright red & hot and in all the attacks I’ve had there’s been no obvious signs of infection entry. Funnily enough when I do get a cut or graze I’ve never yet had an attack triggered. Work isn’t too understanding about the condition. Was getting attacks every 6 months for a while and they wanted me to try going on a low dose of anti-biotics on a permenant basis. I tried this for a short while but was fed up with it affecting my digestive system and stuck two fingers up at work and stopped taking them! My last attack was about 18 months ago so my body has given me a big break for a while. Tried to go back to work too soon after one attack too early and ended up with my first taste of shingles as my immune system was too low. Have Ben careful ever since and take my time to recover.

Hope you’re feeling better soon Norberte. I do feel for you

Twinky x

Lots of sleep, fluids & bed rest with an elevated arm! You’ll soon be better Norberte x x I’m still finishing off my antibiotics after thinking an attack was starting in the hospital after my op. I seem to be ok though but better safe than sorry.

Hugs & mop your sweaty brow

Twinky x

Oh god that does sound like a blooming nightmare…I’m one of the lucky ones so far and haven’t had cellulitis,and by the sounds of it I don’t want it either. Jeez as if you don’t have enough to deal with. I just wish more research was happening with lymphoedema,and especially with cellulitis, as to why are some people pre disposed and why once you have had it do you get re-occurences.
Hope you are feeling better soon,am offski to my lymphoedema nurse tomorrow to see if I have managed to shift my Christmas dinner weight…oooh errr.

hi all

I am currently enduring my second dose of cellutis on the boob that was operated on,the first dose put me in hospital.

Second dose put me on 12 x anti-bios a day , infections supposed to have ‘gone’ but area looks a right mess, the redness hasn’t gone away but I guess the infection has as I started RT this week ( two weeks late due to infection).

Head oncologist says that cellulitis affects the RT and the rays don’t penatrate as well ( at least that is how I understood what was being explained to me).As if I didn’t have enough to deal with lol!

hope you all get over this.




Hi Norberte, I sent you a PM as I hadn’t seen you posting. Sorry to read here that you have been having problems but glad to see that you are still on the threads. Hugs Val

Hi Norberte

Good to see you back x was wondering where you had gone! How are you feeling (gentle hug)

Twinky x

Norberte you poor poor thing , what a rotten thing to get. You know so much about the lymphoedema etc in comparison to a GP who comes across it very little. A temperature of 40 plus must have left you like a wet rag aching all over. As for falling over - don’t take more water with it, have another drink and you will bounce.
Gentle hug for poor aching you

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