Ingrowing toe nail following Chemotherapy

Hi, I’m 2 years post Breast cancer diagnosis tommorow!! Had left Mastectomy, lymph node clearance, (I had one lymph node affected) chemo & rads. Chemo finished Nov '11. I had FEC. Has anyone else had any problems with the effect of Docetaxol on nails? I lost several nails on both fingers and toes which have now grown back, apart from my right big toe which about six weeks ago suddenly became sore and infected. I saw my doctor, was then referred to consultant podiatrist and have today had surgery to remove the toenail. I’m now at home with a comedy bandage on big toe and hospital shoe!! Just when I thought Max, lymph clearance, chemo & rads were quite enough, this toe decided to grow back awkwadly! I ould like to hear from anyone else with a similar experience.
Jo X

I had FEC T chemo.

I had the same treatment minus rads and finished in Nov. I have shed layers of finger nails so they look bitten and yesterday lost the last nail on my left foot. As I am on herceptin I dont expect much til 2014 from my nails!
It’s gross and the last insult as far as I am concerned!

Hi Jo,
I had my treatment in 2010/2011 (WLE, FEC-T chemo, rads, Herceptin) and towards the end of 2011 got an ingrown toenail on my right big toe (had lost both big toe nails previously), which I didn’t notice at first but it started hurting when I was doing tap dancing classes! I had a mild infection in it and was prescribed antibiotics but reacted badly to them so ended up just bathing it in salt water, which helped. Was referred to a foot surgeon but he refused to remove it as I’d had chemo within the previous year and I was therefore “at risk of deep vein thrombosis” (news to me!), so I found a chiropodist and he came round one morning before I went to work, cut out the ingrown nail, patched it up and it’s been fine every since. Luckily the other big toenail grew back fine, and no other nails were affected, so I got off lightly (if a bit painfully!).

Hi Jo
I had a similar problem. Lost both my big toes nails due to tax chemo, and like you the one on my right foot refused to grow back correctly. The chiropodist dealt with it several times taking a small portion at the affected side of the nail right down to the nail bed but eventually it always grew back and grew inwards at the same point.My chemo was in 2008/9. Finally last year it seemed to sort itself out and fingers crossed it seems OK now. It took a lot longer to resolve than either myself or the chiropodist expected but it did resolve

Good Luck


Hi Jube, FEC in 2011, lost all but left big toe nail on feet, when they grew back right big toe started to become very painful, a friend advised me to start lifting the edge of of the affected nail off the skin in the bath and put a slither of cotton wool down to help it, after two weeks the nail was fine, I have found that one of the smaller nails on the same foot will not grow properly and I assume it was the chemo.

Hi Ladies, Thank you for your replies. I’m grateful for your views and advice! I have my L D reconstruction booked for the 5th August and the podiatrist has said that the toe will now have time to heal with hopefully no more risk of infection. I think he said that it can pose a problem for surgery.
Jo X

Happened to me too!! Had big right toe nail removed in January after almost 12months of growing discomfort and pain. So good to put boots and shoes on again without pain and walk!! Nail seems to be growing back fine. I’m on Herceptin indefinately so nails always a bit brittle but have found Sally Hansens maximum growth very good. I had first lot of chemo in 2009 the ops for mx, rads the op for recon. Had second chemo for spread last year. I’m feling fit and very well now, and it is only now that nails are getting back to normal for the first time in four years!!!
Jube I had an LD recon, very successful, just arranging for a little rearranging on both boobs to even me up a bit but it has been great having a clevage again! And remember to have a nipple recon and tatooing as the icing and cherry on the cake!!!

Fudgein cornwall, great to hear your LD recon has been a success! I’m having an LD with implant and an implant on the other side to even things up! So it will be a lengthy procedure with a fairly long recovery time I expect? Were you advised to take a particular length of time off work? I work in school as a TA so I asked PS if I could have it done during the Summer when I’m on holiday, so that I reduce the time I will need to take off when I return to school in September. I will see how this surgery goes but Imthink want the nipple recon and tatooing if all goes well!!
Jo x

Me too! FEC-T in 2009 and big toenails are still disgusting. Have only had to resort to seeing a chiropodist once to sort out one that was ingrowing and she sorted successfully.

This ingrowing toe nail saga is more common than I thought! Good to hear things are sorted for everyone, hopefully mine will soon!

HI Jube
I was a TA for 10yrs in a Secondary School! I left and went to work with my husband in2006 so it was easier for me as I had a bit of flexibiity when I had my mx altho I did go to London a month after!!! My best mate who is still a TA had a double mx with recon in Dec 2011 and returned to work 2 weeks before the end of the Easter Term (middle of April that year I think). I had my recon in Nov 2010,we had sold our business by then so I didn’t have to worry about work but I do remember feeling very tired and achy for a while.I think by the end of Jan my energy levels were on the way to normal but the feeling of wearing a very tight bra lasts for quite a long time, you do get used to it and around 12 - 18months later you suddenly realise you feel normal again. The feeling never feels the same altho I have got some back and I’m sure nerves are still repairing themselves over 2 years later. Your body does take a bit of a beating with all the changing round of the muscle. I wouldn’t be in any hurry to go back, can you stay on full pay for up to 6 months which is the max my friend aimed for although she returned well within that. Make sure you have some comfy support bras, Tescos are pretty good. I didn’t have implants so recovery time maybe different from me.

Hi Fudgeincornwall, Thanks for advice about support bras, recovery etc, its really helpful. I will check with school when I return this week to see how I am placed with having sick pay when I return in September. If I need to take that extra time, you are right, I won’t be in a hurry to go back until I ‘m certain things are going ok. The info you gave about your own experience with the change around of the muscle sounds a bit scary but I’'ve got confidence in my PS so fingers crossed! I had 12 months off from school when I was first diagnosed at Easter 2011. During that time I had mx in May '11, chemo July -Nov '11 and further surgery to remove lymph nodes Dec’11! I had problems with healing and didn’t start radiotherapy until end of March’12. I returned to work in April 2012 so its exactly 12months this week!
Jo x

I am on herceptin, recently finished chemo and radio.

I have painful right toe. Can’t walk, I am a dance teacher so ti is a problem. Mornings are worse. Been bathingin salt water. Do I need toe nail removed???

I amon antibiotics in case it is infected. All the foot is numb.  Could it be connected to neuropathy or just the nail???

Comments welcome xx

Hello Donna,

I am assuming since you are on anti bs that you have seen medical staff about this. What did they say it was?

Did you have taxotere/docetaxel with your chemo by any chance?

All my nails/toes were sore and sensitive - it started with the T part of Fec T. Could not stand anything on them even a sheet. It was due to nerve pain and the tax effects. Got chilli pepper cream from the doc as did not want to take the tablets offered for nerve pain.

Pain and the intense sensitivity subsided on its own. I can’t remember how long it took. It was a lot better after my toe nails started to drop off. Eventually lost all 10 - chemo finished March 17 and lost my last big toenail Dec 17.

On the plus side the peripheral neuropathy reduced around toes/feet - still left with a bit now at the toes but not aware of it all of the time. Also on the plus side, 10 new nails which looked better than the old lot.

I did not find losing my nails painful - they just came off when they were ready. Seeing a podiatrist who was available at the chemo ward helped as I was a bit wary of trimming them as they were a bit thick and scaly. Thankfully they grew back relatively quickly and without complications.

Take care and hope you are dancing again soon x ?