Initial radiotherapy appt in the morning

Hi everyone, just reaching out as I’ve got my initial radiotherapy appointment tomorrow (CT scan etc) and I’m trying to stay calm but it’s just dredging everything up again when all I want to do is hide away and forget all about bloody breast cancer! Keep trying to watch the video on what to expect but can only manage a few minutes before I burst in to tears. Not sure why I’m writing this to be honest, just thought it was better than sitting here crying and freaking out!


Good luck :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I have just finished mine (2 weeks ago). I did find it a bit emotional at the planning appointment but more so as it was hard seeing so many poorly people in one place. Quite overwhelming how indiscriminate this horrid illness is. The staff were really kind though which helped a lot. Compared to what I imagine you have already been through, this honestly will be very do-able. It was not as bad as I was expecting at all. Very strange but honestly not a bad experience. Take care xxx


@blue80 I don’t have anyting useful to share but I’m here to hold your hand. I have the same appointment on Friday, CT scan prior to radiotherapy starting.
I’ve had chemo, a mastectomy and a reconstruction and as much as I’m glad to have radiotherapy I am also sick of hospitals and sick of cancer. I’d like my life back and for all this to bugger off. I can’t read the info they give me let alone watch a video. For me it’s best is the team tell me what I need to know. I hate all the cancer literature because it extra hits home that I have BC.
But on the positive side it’s great to be able to have radiotherapy, I’m super grateful for anything that helps me get better and beat it. Think of it as another milestone. You’re getting through this journey and that scan is another step in the right direction.


I can’t thank you enough. I’m so glad I reached out now. These messages really help and I’m going to re read them throughout the evening and before I set off tomorrow. So strange how strangers can have such an impact :heart: thanks for taking the time to reply xx


honestly its fine the treatment isn’t so bad Radiotherapy is the easy bit Take care


:heart::heart::heart: xx

Hello @1980

I can relate to how you are feeling

I don’t know what other treatment you have had, but personally prior to my radiotherapy I had only had surgery. I didn’t really acknowledge how rubbish being diagnosed with breast cancer is until I went for radiotherapy: you can go into hospital for hundreds of different operations but you only have radiotherapy for one reason!

I was delighted at just how lovely and kind the radiotherapists I saw were and hopefully you will find that too

I didn’t watch any videos prior to my sessions I’m sure they are helpful if you are anxious about what to expect. The initial planning session is probably the longest and most difficult, and I hope it’s the same for you.

Remember to keep the area moisturised to protect the skin, some people like to use specific creams, personally I just used a dry skin Neutrogena one, and drink lots and lots of water: the combination of these should help to minimise skin irritation and combat fatigue

Sending you lots of love

AM xxx


:kissing_heart: xx

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I am 6 treatments in of 15 total. I call it the “torture chamber” I dreaded this part of treatment. I was so grateful not to have to do chemo but I also didn’t want to do radiation. But here I am. The first 2-3 sessions sucked. Long, uncomfortable staying still. My techs are nice but don’t talk much so I have no idea what is going on. Plus I am doing it prone position so I can’t see much. Which is good and bad. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why I hated this treatment so much until I read something someone wrote about the daily radiation grind. It is a constant reminder that you have breast cancer and it really is happening to you. From the beginning, you get diagnosed and then days go by where it is not shoved in your face until it’s another appointment time. Also with surgery. But radiation is DAILY and CONSTANT (except for weekends). I live in fear of the other shoe to drop. The one where I start turning red and itching. The itching has already started a little bit. I don’t like to itch. But like everyone before me and everyone to follow, I will get through it! So don’t fret. It’s not fun but it is a short period of time in your long life ahead. Good luck and keep us all posted how things are going. Take care.


I had my imaging scans on Tuesday the day after my last chemo! I feel it’s a miracle I even made it there, but they were all so lovely and really put me at ease. The imaging didn’t take too long and I’m due to start my 15 sessions in 3 weeks.
Good luck, it’s another step in the right direction and I’m hopeful il wake up one day and my first and last thought of the day won’t be ‘Cancer’ x x x x


The radiology team will look after you
Drink water before and after
Moisturise like crazy all over into your armpit and under the boob, several times a day and for several minths after
If you start to itch or go pink ask them for medihoney and lash it on

Walk a little each day
Eat well

My team played music whilst the sky wars beams cooked my boob which was a distraction

The reception area was 30% boobs and 70%, prostrate, some fun conversations

At the initial consultation i had 3 small blue tattoos done and tons of measuring done, just try and relax

If you feel anxious tell them
Make sure you keep the end in mind you’re almost there

Good luck



I’m so glad you posted this, I’ve got my planning appointment next Tuesday and I think I’m going mad this week, cannot stop thinking about. I’m due to be having 5 sessions but don’t know when they will actually start.

When people say moisturise do they mean after the session as I thought you didn’t put anything on before but what do I know, very little I’m beginning to find out.

Please let us know how it goes tomorrow

Will be thinking about you
Jackie xx


I was so nervous I misread the instructions completely . I went up to Floor 3 when it was actually 3 floors below ground. The very nice Porter who explained to me what I had done wrong said I had plenty of time and I should get a drink to try to calm down before my appointment . When I got to the reception I was told that I had turned up a day early - and although it was only 10.30 am someone else had already done exactly the same thing .

It was strange but also there was an oddly calming atmosphere . You will be ok and they will be able to go through it with you in person which you will probably remember much better than the video .

Sending love xx


I forgot to say despite the inauspicious start everything went ok for me and the staff were lovely xx


I had 20 daily treatments of radiation therapy. No horrible side effects. A bit tired, but no burning…. I too used the cream the radiologist recommended. The first appointment where you are scanned and measured/marked is a bit long. I was glad to put my arm down at the end. The treatments were not long and I always got in at my appointment time. Most techs are great and very caring. The radiologist keeps tabs on you too. I know it’s a scary time, but keep your faith and you’ll be fine. Best Wishes.


I finished 15 sessions on 6 February. I received exceptional care at Guy’s Cancer Centre. I was surprised at how tired I felt from the start, but thrilled that I was able to get the breathing right (I needed 2 planning sessions as couldn’t get breathing right). I had been warned about skin reaction because of my size (36G). I am still sore but it is much better than I had feared and I feel this is very much due to the care taken by oncologist and radiotherapy team. Strongly recommend Aveeno shower gel and moisturising cream. Remember to walk even when you feel tired. I’ve cried a lot since diagnosis in October, but less now that I have come through so much. Good luck everyone. I am sure you will be just fine.


Hi Jackie

I wasn’t told anything specific either but personally I put a full “squirt” on my boob every morning, every evening and on my return from the session, I had a bit of redness especially where my bra strap went so would leave my bra off as much as possible but nothing too bad

There’s a really helpful Instagram page called rad_chat who give lots of really helpful tips

Good luck with your treatment

AM xxx


Sending you love and positive thoughts for today. Mine finished a few months ago and can honestly say it was so much better than I imagined. The staff were incredible and compared to chemo a doddle. It’s over really quickly and yes it’s all rather daunting with the machine etc but just think of all the good it’s doing. Belt and braces and all that.
Make sure you moisturise and keep doing that (I still do now) and drink lots of water.
I would visulise the radiotherapy disintegrating any dodgy cell that came in its way during my session and that gave me some satisfaction!

You absolutely have this, really.
M x


Sending hugs, as many say on this thread radiotherapy isn’t so bad, saying that do prepare yourself for seeing a large machine which I found daunting but I thought of it as a zappy friend which made it better. The other advice I would give is to practice holding your breath, I struggled a bit with this initially as I found it a bit overwhelming but the staff were brilliant, patient and understanding with me. hope all goes well with your appointment x


Hi there. I was told no moisturising 2 hours before the treatment to make sure has soaked in. I was given something called flamigel which worked brilliantly. It isn’t particularly moisturising but the idea is it protects the surface of the skin and locks moisture in. I used that on the morning of treatment, immediately after and then again in the evening. I also put Aveeno on in between times. I am 2 weeks after 5 days now and still using cream regularly plus a little Aloe Vera. I am a bit pink and it has been a bit itchy but really wasn’t as bad as I thought. X