Inner mammory node chain inflamed

I wonder if anyone has had similar to me? I was diagnosed with a g2 secondary er+ pr+ her2 neg cancer just to the side of my Diep scar 13yrs after my previous breast cancer with the exact same make up where i had a mastectomy, reconstruction and Tamoxifen.
Both times my sentinel nodes in armpit were clear.
My surgeon was convinced that it was a recurrence and it would be a lympectomy and radiotherapy. But Oncology said posible new primary. An Oncotype test said i would need chemo.
I am presuming given all my other similarities that the change to chemo is driven by my the inner mammary nodes looking ’ inflammed ’ on my scans and as they cant do a biopsy they are treating belt and braces with chemo followed by radiotherapy. Has anyone had similar… or any words of wisdom??

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I asked the oncologist I saw again last week re if mine was a recurrence or a new primary as he said he thought mine was a new primary. He said there’s no test that will give that info and that a new primary is more because the receptors are different (mine was hormone previously and is hormone and HER2 this time).

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Yeah mine pretty much identical markers this time, and only 1 where i had 3 smaller ones 1st time. The only real worry is these inner mammary nodes. I was interested to see if anyone else had similar or im just a rare case