Inoperable tumors

Hi would love to hear from any ladies or men who have inoperable tumors or that had chemotherapy to shrink tumours. Jus finished 6 cycles of ec to shrink my tumours and now on zoldex and letrozole. Thank you from gaynor.

Hi gaynor, 

I am sure any users who have had similar experiences will be along to show their support soon. 

In the meantime you can always call our helplineon 0808 800 6000 who will be able to offer their support and help talk through any questions you have. The opening hours are below. 

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
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Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 


Hi Gaynor, 


am sorry you have these tumours. yes, I haa chemo to shrink my original tumour( lobular breast lump)

it shrank it but as it was pretty large thr lump seperated and they did remove my breast.


the exciting news is that when i later got lumps in my liver and spine…these are now rapidly shrinking with the chemo im currently on and I get very few side effects…feels nothing short of miraculous…so take heart

sometimes it takes a little while to find the ideal drug…


very best of luck on Letrozole, it worked very well for me, hang in there if you can as I believe they think 10 years is a good period to take it…they didnt realise that until later studies were done which is why i stopped too early and the cancer came back. (Some people find that a particular brand suite them better, so if you were to get an unbearable side effect you could ask to try a different one.)


let us know how it goesxx





Hh moijan thanks for your reply.
I’m not sure how longs it takes for the side effects to kick in. I was very fortunate with the chemo very few side effects so hoping the letrozole will be ok. I’ve only been on it a few day and up to now all is ok. I only stopped taking tamoxifen last year after 5 years. I do wonder if that’s why my bc returned. Wishing you all the best. Thank you x

Cheers thanks for you advise. It’s much appreciated x

Let us know how your next scan goes,


will be looking out to seexx



Will do. Have a lovely christmas x

Got the results of my ct scan yesterday. Great news no more new tumors and the others are stable. Appointment again in 3 months.