
I am very confused!
I have always had travel insurance which did not cover breast cancer. So in the last year, since my secondary diagnosis have always stayed in Europe, so that I had my European Health Card in case I needed it.
In the New Year I would like to travel to maybe the Red Sea, and have read on here about Miaonline offering cover at a price, for secondary breast cancer. I have made some calls this morning and all the companies including Miaonline, say they exclude secondary breast cancer, so what am I doing wrong!
Any advice Please.

Hi Marmite,
I am surprised at the response from Mia. They insured me to go to Portugal despite secondaries to bones, nodes and liver AND me being on chemo.

However, Mia usually only insure you to go to countries where there is a reciprocal health agreement - ie where you are able to use your EHIC card. Maybe Egypt doesn’t have reciprocal agreements?

I think Cancer Backup has a list of companies who will offer cover for people with secondaries - but I remember working my way through it and being thoroughly disheartened that nobody would touch me. Made me feel a complete leper.


Hi Marmite,

I have put for your below the link to the area of the website where insurance for those with a secondary diagnosis is discussed. I hope you find it useful.

Insurance Fact sheet:

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

I have two travel insurance policies: the first one is a group insurance policy through my work. This is offered to all members of staff and no questions are asked about pre-existing conditions. The second policy is through my Lloyds current bank account whereby if you have a platinum account you get free travel insurance. Are these still valid or do I need to contact them to check whether or not I am insured.


I rang miaonline last Monday and asked if the would insure me to go to Jerusalem in Nov for 7 days (I have sec breast cancer). They took all my details and said Yes so I’m not sure whats going on. I know they will only insure 2 months before departure.


Hi Marmite

I dont understand why you have had that response from Miaonline. I have just returned from 2 weeks in Turkey Friday night, and was insured with Miaonline for liver mets and it was about £65 for me to be insured.

I would ring them again and see what they say. But they definitely will not insure you until 2 months before your departure date.

Good luck

You will not be covered by Lloyds.

MIaonline have quoted me £63 for two weeks stateside cover for Breast Cancer with secondry diagnosis to Liver BUT its subject to my scan results being good (which I have just had and they are), I go in less than 2 months and it still has to go to be underwritten. The quote was just to cover my BC as I have travel insurance through HSBC that covers me for everthing but my BC. They did say that they didn’t recommond the states for someone with my medical background!
L x

I have alos found Mia Insurance quite good. I’s maybe the destination you are going to.



Thanks for all your comments.
I will try them again after Christmas, when we are a bit nearer. Perhaps I used the word terminal, which perhaps was not such a good idea.
Marmite x

Vickyk, sorry I do not know your status (hopefully not same place as me!!) but be aware I also have cover from work, BUPA, but they will not cover me but then I have an incurable local recurrance. So under their policy have been diagnosed with a terminal condition. I would check with them if I were you. They are still covering my partner however, small mercies huh.


hi i have bc stage 4 with bone mets and i use the aa, they exclude bc on ur policy and the cost of the insurance for 2 weeks to the red sea is £30, just phone them up and they ask u a series of questions and then write the exclusion in, from sharm there are flights every day back to the uk so if u were worried on ur hols and felt u needed to go to hospital u can be bak on uk turf in 5 half hours, there fore rthe fact u are not covered for ur bc is not too concerning.


Thanks Kokki.
Will ring them again after Christmas. As it all depends how I am then and whether have had more scans etc. Having awful probs with my bloods and chemo. So hoppefully will make chemo to-day, and need to have big talk with onc as to why this is happening and where we go from here. Off to Spain for long week-end to stay with son and daughter in law in Pamplona. With my insurance which excludes beast cancer and my european health card. Unfortunately the weather forcast is rain whole time!