Interupted sleep - starting to get me down :-(

Since having my masectomy back in October i have not had a full nights sleep…initially i was waking up due to pain but this has eased.


I did have Radiotherapy December and now all treatment is completed.


I am now on Hormone therapy where I take daily tablets exemestane and monthly zoladex implants and i just started bone tremeant through Zoledronic Acid injections in January which i get every 6 months. 


I have read that a side effect of Zoladex implant is sleep problems - has anyone else had this, how can I get a full nights sleep as it is now starting to get to me as I am back working and have 2 young girls so always on the go with them… 

Hi Shirts, have you tried things like cutting down on, and not having caffeine after about 3pm, not using your phone or tablet for a couple of hours before going to sleep and not sleeping with your phone by you (or even in the room)? If so a banana before bed often helps due to the magnesium content, as taking that mineral before bedtime can help you sleep, or you could try a magnesium supplement if your happy taking supplements, I am but appreciate not everyone is. My cousin swears by a hot milky drink with a banana but I avoid dairy so can’t say I’ve tried that. I use Neom or This Works pillow spray if I’m going through a poor sleep stretch and also find Chamomilla by Weleda helps me, which is a small herbal tablet that helps you to relax and doesn’t leave you groggy in the mornings, some Holland and Barratt’s sell it, (Weleda Chamomilla granules can be given to babies from birth for colic, or used for teething). Also, I read somewhere that Dr Chatterjee (spelling??), he’s been in a series on tv where he went and lived with families for a few days, is going to be on Lorraine tomorrow morning talking about sleep! Hope you find something that helps, Kxx