Invasive lobular - met/mass in abdomen - what treatment

Hi - I am new to this group, and am enquiring on behalf of my friend, who had BC five years ago, and has just this month been rediagnosed with Stage IV (ductal with lobular characteristics). She has a mass in her abdomen, and wants to know if surgery could be an option (ie, “Get it out!”) though her onc is only talking about chemo and possibly hormone treatment. Apparently, ILC (invasive lobular carcinoma) is characterised by metastazing to the abdomen (no idea if she was warned about this!)

BC is not my speciality (kidney cancer is!), so I need to do a rapid research exercise on what her options are - she is currently so frightened by her terminal diagnosis (not delivered, alas, in the most supportive fashion…) and is not as clued up as I am about cancer overall.

Many many thanks for any information and patient experience any of you can give me as to what her treatment options might be, anything to make her less frightened please!

Thank you - Julie.

Hi, I have primary ILC, it is not as common as IDC and has biologically different features to ductal. Bit sneaky, too, as it often does not present on mammograms. Distant recurrences are more often found in the gastrointestinal tract and gynaecological peritoneum areas. You could call the helpline or use the ask the nurse service for some more detailed information. There are numerous studies published on line on the subject. Your friend is lucky to have you, maybe you have the option to accompany her to her oncologist appointment, it can be useful to have a friend there to make notes and help. Does she have a breast care or macmillan nurse to help her deal with her situation?
I would be interested to know what her follow up was after her primary dx, had there been lymph node involvement? Good Luck to you&your friend. x Tina

Hi Julie

I was dx with stage IV ILC nearly four years ago.

I had mastectomy followed by rads, hormone treatment and biphosphonates (spelling?)for the spread to bone. My cancer had spread to bone, later found in ovaries and peritoneum and late last year it caused a blockage in stomach which required an op. This op wasn’t to remove cancer but as food couldn’t pass through my stomach due to blockage, they attached my small intestine to stomach to create a new passage for food to pass through.I received my first lot of chemo afterthat and I’m currently having rads to hip to treat some bone pain.

I have been relatively fit and well since my dx (apart from the achey joints from the hormone therapy) and still have alot of treatments left to keep this thing stable.

I must admit to being very frightened at first and didn’t think I’d be here in 4 years time, but here I am. There are alot of treatments available and I know I felt alot better once I knew what my options and treatment plan were.

Hope this helps.

Take care x