inverted nipple and breast lump
inverted nipple and breast lump I have bathed my 80 year old mother today and it is very obvious that she has an inverted nipple with some hardening of her left breast on the upper inner quadrant. I have suggested that we see the GP soon. Mum is adamant that she does not want surgical intervention / treatment of any sort. My dilema in this is that I have undergone a right mastectomy (DEC 2005) for DCIS. There already is a family history of breast cancer in that my Gran (mums mother) had a mastectomy and died of cancer. Grans sisters daughter daughter has breast cancer and had treatment with chemotherapy. I am concerned for mum but also in that I think it increases the risk factor for myself. Can any one enlighten me and make me feel a little less anxious.
Dear Lavinia I am sorry to read that you are feeling anxious at the moment and would like to suggest that you contact our freephone confidential helpline for advice, information and support. The helpline opens again on Monday at 9am and is open until 5pm through to Friday and 9am-2pm Saturday. The number to call is 0808 800 6000.
Please keep posting on the forums for advice and support and I am sure someone will see your post and reply to you very soon.
Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care
Family history factsheet Dear Lavinia
Here is the link to a factsheet published by Breast Cancer Care which may help you to understand more about familial breast cancer until you are able to speak to someone about your concerns, you can read it online or download and print a copy:
Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care