Invitation to a focus group for Younger Women with Breast Cancer.
Come and tell us what you think.
As part of Breast Cancer Care’s efforts to continually improve and develop our services we are holding a short focus group. It’s a chance to share your views about the services that Breast Cancer Care does or could provide for younger women with breast cancer. This time we are particularly looking for younger women who haven’t used our services for whatever reason.
The focus group will take place in the Westgate Room at our offices in Southwark: Breast Cancer Care, 5-13 Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0NX on Tuesday 10 December at 4pm. It will last approximately 1 ½ hours.
If you’d like the opportunity to discuss the particular needs of younger women with breast cancer and your thoughts about what Breast Cancer Care’s role might be in meeting these or would like more information then you can let us know by calling 0845 077 1893 or e-mailing
To make it easier for you to attend we will reimburse your travel expenses.
Look forward to hearing from you