Help! I’ve been asked to attend an ATOS Medical on the 20th.
I’ve been on Contribution based ESA since diagnosis on 15th Feb. I was doing temporary contracts when diagnosed and was inbetween contracts so no work to go back to!
I finished active treatment start of October last year and have taken some time to acclimatise to Tamoxifen.
I’m better than I was but I am still very fatigued and weak. I get aches and pains in my legs and feet when I’ve been static a while.
I’m concerned that they are going to grade me on what I can do physically but not take into account the weakness/fatigue and insomnia I have.
I feel that I could do a couple of hours a day work at something really easy but I’m in no fit state to work full time at all yet.
If they take the ESA from me then we’ll be £100 a week worse off and we will literally not be able to pay our bills and I’m scared stiff.
I hate the fact that all through this I’ve had nothing but bl**dy worry about finances. Its been a major source of stress to us and why, when I’ve worked and contributed so much, should I have to feel like this about getting a few handouts.
I feel very angry from some of the stuff I’ve heard. Why aren’t they focusing on catching benefits cheaters… why are they focusing on cancer patients!!! There’s people much more likely to be able to DO sometihng about their situation.
I cant wait to have the energy to work full time again - I’m sick of being poor. But I just can’t do it yet, give me another 6 months and I might be OK.
Anyone any experience of ATOS just with fatigue issues alone, 5 months past active treatment?
Sorry I was told that I didn’t qualify as I went very part time so I could travel to help my mum in her last year when she was ill but I did get amazing help from our CAB so maybe it would be worth asking them for a visit, they may be able to attend with you? Just wanted to send a supportive hug 'cos it’s a c**p place to be as if this illness wasn’t bad enough! Em x
I also have been invited for a medical on the 23rd may,really makes me mad I was thinking about going back to work soon,just waiting to see a vascular surgeon tomorrow as my chemo arm keeps going blackish/purple and is swollen I didn’t want to be signed off until I know whats what,I have been on esa since my ssp finished end of september,its really got my back up I’m not fully fit still very exhausted and haven’t had the results from my mamogramm back.How did you get on at yours El Katrano?
The Government has published a call for evidence for Professor Harrington’s third independent review of the WCA.
The call for evidence has been designed mainly for individuals that have been through the WCA to see what changes Professor Harrington’s recommendations have made. However, we are aware that organisations will also want to contribute to the call for evidence and have included a section specifically for their response.
The call for evidence can be found at and will close on 7th September - please ensure that you respond before this date.
Please even if, like me, you have had only one assessment, you can submit evidence to the Review. The Government has asked Professor Harrington to step down after this Review. The Government always replies to each review “more training is needed” and “things are improving”. In my view the appointment of Professor Harrington was a delaying and obfustication tactic. I believe there will be further delays while a new appointment is made and the new appointee has to become familiar with the situation. I would not be surprised if the appointee will have connections to the discredited Unum and Atos. A new appointment means payments are delayed once again and the Government moves closer to achieving the target budget cuts. We should not be surprised, the Government continues to follow the McKinsey and Co approach that they created for disability insurance companies in the US to minimise payments to the sick and disabled.
Remember Prof Mansel Aylward, who introduced the assessment to the DWP, he is trying to build his fortune as a director of various companies selling assessments to employers to minimise their payments to sick and disabled employees. He is very busy speaking to conferences.
Employers be warned. The employer is responsible for the actions of the companies they engage for the assessment. Employees will sue the employers. If the employers wish to sue Aylward’s companies or Unum, who sell these assesments to employers, they need deep pockets and a watertight contract.