Is anybody having treatment at the Norfolk & Norwich?

Hi everybody, I was diagnosed with BC last week, I live in Norwich and wondered if anybody has or is undergoing treatment at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital? I am due to commence my initial tests next week before 6 months of chemo then mastectomy. Are there any support meetings in the Norwich area? I have a lot of questions and worries :o(


Hi Daysie,
I am starting my rads on Weds at the N & N. The Big C have a centre at the hospital - I just popped in and asked the lady for directions for my planning meeeting last week. She said she hoped I would pop in again when I had some spare time as there are lots of things they can do to help you through treatment. As from weds I will be going everyday for 3 weeks to the hospital so if you would like to meet up for a cuppa and a chat please feel free to contact me, it would be lovely to have someone local in the same boat :-).
Hope everything is going well for you so far.
Luv Jude

Hi Daysie, i live about 18 miles from Norwich & go there fairly regularly. Im having chemo at the mo at James Paget hosp but will have rads at the N&N .Im also going to a Look Good Feel Better session there the week after next(chemo permitting) I’d be more than happy to meet up with u & also Jude. x

Hi Jude and hjv123
That sounds like a plan! I will be going to the N&N on Wed 12 Oct for my bone scan, I have 2 appointments with a big gap in between. I was planning on calling into the Big C centre as well. I would be happy to meet up. I also have a pre-op assessment (no date yet) and sentinal lymph node removal on Friday, then I start 6 months of chemo - once every 3 weeks at the N&N. PM me if you would like my mobile number.
Daysie x


I don’t live in Norfolk anymore but was living there when I was diagnosed nearly 5 years ago. I didn’t have chemo or rads, but did have bilateral mx with immediate reconstruction, so I can’t help on the first 2.

However, Keeping Abreast is an organisation which was set up just after my surgery. They seem a really great group, though I have to say they are more involved with the recon aspect(the plastic surgeons at N&N are also involved), but I think it would be a good way to find people going through the same as you. They do lots of meet ups around the county and have a lot of fund-raising events and get togethers.

Just Google “Keeping Abreast” and you should find them; I’m sure they will a great support to you.

Good luck with your tests and treatment.

All the best,


Hi girls, I am in North Norfolk - diagnosed Jan 2009 so I am a bit further down the line - had all my chemo (6 x FEC) at N&N - see my oncologist there every 3 months as I also have secondaries. The Big C is really really supportive and the well being session is fantastic so I would advise you to get booked on to that! You get loads of freebies and can also meet the lady who organises the NHS free wig. Please feel free to PM me and I will do my best to help in any way I can. I also found these forums brilliant- the ladies on here have so much advice and experience. I hope all goes well with forthcoming treatments. Lots of love Debbie xx

Just passing through.
I’m treated in Cheltenham, but Yarmouth is my spirital home. Hoping to get across at the end of the year and have a potter on the beach. I need that right now.

I actually live in Coventry but I am spending a lot of time in Cromer. It would be nice to meet up if anyone is close ish
X sarah