Is anyone else prone to temperature drops?

I was diagnosed with BC in September, had surgery (left side mastectomy) in October and am starting chemo on Tuesday.

The only real ‘symptoms’ (other than an obvious lump) were being more tired than usual and feeling extremely cold at times. The drop in temp was picked up on my charts whilst I was in hospital where I was described as ‘slightly hypothermic’ (if that’s how you spell it). The breast team and oncology team have said that this is not a recognised symptom of BC and it has been suggested that I may need thyroid tests, yet I have heard other women complaining of the same thing in waiting rooms. Just wondered if anyone else had experienced this?

Hi Kez74

Please feel free to contact our confidential helpline, our team of specialist nurses are able to offer you further information. The helpline number is 0808 800 6000 and it is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Kind regards
Breast Cancer Care


I’m still in the process of waiting for treatment to begin (problems checking for the primary…so third MRI+biopsy due)

but while I was going back and forth to the doc with found lump in armpit - I told him I was feeling fevered but my temperature was very low -(35) which he said was impossible… so I bought a second thermometer from Boots thinking he must be right but he wasn’t - my temperature wasn’t always as low as that but it was very seldom at normal or above.

Haven’t checked temp lately - but your thread may have picked up something…

good luck with chemo…

Hi Kez74

I had this same problem throughout chemo, I had NS and two hospital admissions through 39 degree + temps but my temp dropped regularly too! I was told that my thermometer was not working so I bought another one, which made no difference! I’m a nurse so I managed to find disposable thermometers at work, funnily enough they read exactly the same 35 degrees some days!!! Defying all logic!!!

I also experienced feeling cold prior to my diagnosis and during chemo, it did settle for quite a few months after treatment finished, I am though experiencing feeling cold all the time at the moment? Not sure why though? Whether it’s related to the back pains I have been getting for a few months now, I have no idea!

Anyway good luck with your chemo.



i too have been having low temperature readings since being on chemo ( due for 3rd fec next week and then 3 tax ) mostly between 35.4 and 35.9 the highest i have recorded is 36.1, also i get a chilly feeling in the chest ( now and again ) although i don’t feel as if i have got a fever/infection i mentioned it to onc who didn’t seem too worried and was more concerned about getting any high temp checked out, taking my temperature is not something i ever did before BC so i don’t really know what is normal for me,


yup, i’ve had low temperatures too. onc said don’t worry and i haven’t but its strange isn’t it? it is also just a bit disconcerting that my temperature doesn’t seem to regulate itself in the way it should - can’t quite explain but somehow i don;t get warm when i would expect to…

My hubby is undergoing BC treatment and has been complaining of the cold since being diagnosed in Aug. It’s interesting to hear others have this too. He is usually a tshirt in winter person and is getting lots of jumpers for