Is anyone here a dancer?

Or maybe you’ve always wanted to dance and never dared (like me until 5 years ago). Since I got my diagnosis I’ve been mulling over the idea of a ‘Dance against Cancer’ event; I’m a step-dancer and morris dancer and I’m hoping that the next events my dance sides do will have collecting buckets out to raise funds for cancer charities, but  I’d like to do something more specific and more varied, with lots of different dance styles - something that will make a real splash. It’s all a bit vague at the moment, and I’ve got to get the surgery over with before I can make plans around whatever happens next, but is there anyone out there who might want to stamp, kick or wiggle against this thing we’re battling?

Dancing is as good a way of proving ourselves undefeated as I can think of.



Hi LinRowan,

I’m sorry to see you haven’t received a response yet, but this is a lovely idea! I am sure some of our dancer users will be along to show their support soon :smileyhappy:

Best wishes,


Hi LinRowan  I love dancing and would definitely be up for it, but unfortunately i don’t do anything with proper “steps”, like Morris or Line Dancing etc. I’ve done 5 Rythms loads of times, plus Circle dancing, and I get out on the dance floor at a party after only one glass of something, but anything more structured would be outside my comfort zone! I could probably get my hands on a circle dance leader who has done Dances for Peace for Israelies and Palistinians together so he would probably be up for something like this. Keep me posted if you get any further interest and maybe we can sort something out. I’m retired so have a bit of time on my hands for minor organising if required. I’m in the West Country. Where are you? XX