is anyone on tamoxifen & Zoladex injections

Hi all 

I am about to start Tamoxifen so wondering if any of you lovely ones can share any tips on maybe a vitamin supplement to help with side effects & how you cope with the tablet, did you find taking it at a set time each day helped?

had my first injection of Zoladex on Friday & so far felt okay.

 I’m Vit D deficient so a bit worrying about bones & dreading hot flushes :rainbow: thank you 

Hi pinkyfleur

I apologise for picking up your message late.

Would it be helpful to speak to someone in our nursing team about this? You can reach us on freephone 0808 800 6000:

Our team is always willing to help out with any advice, so don’t think twice about being in touch!

Sending our best wishes


I am on anastrozole along with the Zoladex injection.  I am currently like yourself having hot flushes.  I had a blood test done as I am having my calcium infusion tomorrow and was told my potassium was low.  Hardly surprising as one of the things that causes  low potassium is sweating abnormally lol!!!

It has been suggested that I will be given potassium tablets to take along with another blood test in 2 weeks.  I eat 2/3 bananas a day along with other sources of potassium. 

Regards Clare