Hi I just read a blog post about Vitamin D & wondered if anyone else had thought about taking it. Apple tree i’m sure you will have some thoughts about this. x
Ah Ha, Chirpy Bird; indeed, I do have some thoughts on vitamin D.
Some years ago, I asked my GP to test my blood for vitamin D level, partly because of chronic fatigue. It came out at rock bottom. I had not at that time had any falls that had produced fractures, but there was clearly a risk. So, I am now prescribed Colecalciferol 800IU tablets, one daily, for eternity. Subsequent blood tests have shown my Vit D level to be normal. This was all before BC appeared.
Vitamin D on my list of medications has impressed my oncologist, who has also put me on Bisphosphonate (Zoledronic acid) infusions every six months, and initially Letrozole (came out in a nasty rash), followed by Anastrozole. (The Anasty is now causing trouble, it seems, so that is being investigated. I shall report back in due course.)
D is a vitamin you can have too much of if you don’t need it, so you could chirpily ask your GP about it! X
Thanks Appletree
You’re very helpful and knowledgeable
LadyB I was diagnosed with osteoporosis after chemo. Fortunately I was on Tamoxifen rather than AIs, which I think don’t have such an effect on your bones. Yours chirpily ?x
I asked my surgeon about vitamin D and he said that nothing you could buy over the counter was sufficient to make a difference. Since then I have had chemo and am just about to start rads. My oncologist prescribed vit D/calcium tablets. I am due to have bisphosphonate and I read somewhere that you shouldn’t take the tablets with bisphosphonates!
you don’t take calcium tablets at the same time as bisphosphonates. Usually bisphosphonate is first thing i the morning, then calcium at lunch and teatime. But very common to be on both. (I’m a GP)
After 3½ years on anastrozole, I’ve just started taking alendronic acid once a week. I had a blood test but my GP hasn’t prescribed vit D or calcium. I have taken cod liver oil capsules for years and also eat quite a lot of dairy because I don’t particularly like meat so looks like I’m getting enough from my diet.
Hi Chirpy bird,
I have been on vit D for several years after my GP decided to test my levels one day. (I was an office worker). When I was admitted for my lumpectomy, they clearly tested my blood, and without saying anything to me, my dosage was increased from 800UI to 1000UI daily. Clearly it is something that is on the radar for some surgeons. I am due to have a bone density scan but have been told that could be in a few months, during which time I will be taking letrozole. x
Hi All. I was told by my Medical Oncologist to take Vitamin D. I’m starting biphosonate infusion with my next chemo.
The UK Government recommends supplementing with vitamin D on a daily basis from an early age. The average diet generally does not meet the RDAs for this nutrient AND unfortunately few of us get enough sunshine either – a major source of vitamin D.
Vitamin D regulates phosphate and calcium levels in the body in order to maintain bone, teeth, and musculature health. Vitamin D protects the body from a variety of conditions such as rickets, osteomalacia (soft bones), osteoporosis and bone fractures to name but a few.
Vitamin D is valuable and necessary to the body in many ways. Supplementation with intraMAX is ideal.