Does anyone know how reliable bone scan results are? I have been misdiagnosed twice after scans biposies etc and do not have a lot of trust in test results. I had Bc in 2006 and had the full whack of treatment. I have had pain in hip area for several months and had a bone scan which was clear. Is it possible that there is something there which the bone scan did not pick up - is there a more accurate test for spread to bones?
I would welcome your experiences - just want to put all this out of my head. Thanks you for your time, love and hugs to all x
hello curlygirl
my gp did blood test apparently they can be reliable when my bone scan came back clear yet i still had pain. they were clear too, have you had blood test in addition to bone scan
I think a bonescan is probably the first type of scan that would be done if the onc was checking out pain in the skeleton - possibly an x-ray first. The only problem with bonescans is that they will show up other bone problems that may not be cancer related such as arthritis or an old injury. If there was uncertainty about what the bone scan showed then I think they would do an MRI.
I found this article to be particularly helpful and easy to read:
I was dx recently with secondaries to lung and bone. This was a complete surprise as I had xrays, CT scan and bone scan which came back as ‘unremarkable’ to use their diagnostic phrase.
At the time I was with consultant on NHS and asked if for me there was any benefit of switching to private as this is funded thru my employer. I was told that a PET scan could be carried out. This is where the mets were detected.
i too have had MRI’s and X-rays ove the past 9 years for prolasped disc, sciatica and hiop replacement and none showed up anything until x-ray after hip replacement. This showed abnormal bone and i was refered back to the local Breasr Care Clinic and had a bone scan. This has shown mets in spine, pelvis and ribs. So I think that the bone scan is pretty accurate.
Perhaps asking Onc for more scans PET scan.
Hope all is well
Trash xx
hi can i just join your post…i have been having chemo for breast cancer and on a check up bone scan i was then sent for ct n mri scans today i was told i have cancer in my bones…im in bits and was wondering can they get it wrong? could it be osteo-doodar(dont know how to spell it)
chemo was going so well and i was so positve i was going to beat this…now this…how long can you live with bone cancer? kinda scared to read the google stuff as it can scare the pant of ya…so thought id ask in here…x
Sorry to hear about your latest diagnosis. I have put for you below the link to BCC’s publication on secondary bone cancer and hope you find it helpful. I’ve also put you the link to our Secondary Resource pack which you may also find helpful. The resource pack has to be posted out to you, but there’s no charge to you. Also if you feel you need to talk to someone about what you are dealing with at the moment please do give the helpline a ring, they’re here to support you through this.
Sorry to hear your news. My bone mets were diagnosed after bone scan was inconclusive but MRI confirmed spinal mets. MRI is usually pretty accurate but you could ask for a biopsy to confirm.
I made that mistake when I was diagnosed and all you come up with is average, scary and often out-of-date statistics which will have little bearing on you as an individual. Stick to sites like this one and other well-known and reputable cancer sites like Macmillan and
I know this is pretty scary but from speaking to my onc and other women on the forums, bone mets are generally consider to be more of a ‘long-term condition’ and many women live well, for many years with drugs like Zometa (which strengthens your bones) and hormones (assuming you are er/pr +ve).
Once you get a treatment plan agreed with your onc, you will start to feel more in control and I hope, less scared and more positive. This is doable. Please feel free to pm me if you want to chat.
thanx jo …ordered the info
thanx laurie i am just in shock at the moment…i felt so well even with having chemo…everything was going so well…lump shrinking and positves from docs now this…i had scans at the start and they saw things but said no to more cancer just wear n tear…so was a shock to have a rerun and this…got 1 more fec in december then op in jan then going to start on the bone stuff so not sure wots going to happen…will the bone one grow while im having fec? i thought chemo killed everything?? sorry if thats a bit thick…x
As with all cancer treatments there are no guarantees but the fact that they are continuing on FEC would I assume mean, that they hope there will be some regression. If there is not, then they can switch you to one of the many other chemos available.
Sometimes it’s just a bit of a waiting game which can be a real pain.
You say that you will be starting on the bone stuff after your MX but as far as I am aware, there is no reason why you cannot start the Zometa now. I have been having it alongside FEC and TAX since I was diagnosed so you might want to check that out.
Hi Tracey
I know just how you feel but it does get easier to deall with once the initial shock has worn off a bit. I was happily going along thinking I had gone nearly 10 years since the primary cancer and it was only because some thing shoed up on an x-ray after having a hip replacement that it was found I have bone mets. Radio seems to have eased things off and I am am having Arimidex and bone infusions. Try to take each day at a time. We can beeat this thing, or a t least live with it.
Rosie x x
Many ladies on here have lived with bone mets for many years. Scottishlass has had bone mets for 12 years and with a new pin in her femur,is still going strong. Treatments are getting better all the time so hopefully it will be something you live with rather than something that shortens your life.
Love n hugs