Is everyone who is on Anastrozole and Zoladex, also on Zolendronic Acid (Zometa) too?


I wanted to ask; is everyone who is on Anastrozole and Zoladex, also on Zolendronic Acid (Zometa) too? or is there anyone who isn’t and if so, was it ever suggested to you?

I’ve had two infusions of it now, and it’s another one of those things which no one ever told me about at the beginning. The reason I am asking the question is complicated, but as you don’t meet people who have had breast cancer in your everyday life, this seems the only place I can ask.

I don’t need to know all the different things people are taking and why, just if it was ever suggested to you from the beginning that zolendronic acid would be one of your treatments, or was it another example of something else being ‘sprung’ on you?



After 7 years of follow-up, breast cancer recurrence was less likely in women who got Zometa compared to women who didn’t. Overall, the time the women lived without the cancer coming back (disease-free survival) was 28% better in women who got Zometa.

Hi @LouisaCPhillips80  . I have been given the option for Zometa every 6 months (also on an AI and Zoladex) - this was suggested by my oncologist as I showed concern re bone health long term. 3 years of 6 month infusions was then recommended. He said it also can prevent the cancer spreading to your bones as well as preventing the development of osteoporosis. I have concern about Jaw Necrosis as I have had an implant and may need another in the future. So I have had a Dexa scan and doing all I can to prevent bone loss naturally. If it doesn’t work I will have the infusions. 

I went on Anastrozole. I lasted 1 week. I was having awful hot flashes ans crying every2 minutes? I was so depressed! I had to go off. I went on Tamoxifen.

I was diagnosed at 39 & put on zoladex straight away to try to save my fertility. After surgery i was put in letrozole. Ive had one infusion of zoletronic acid ans due another soon. Ive to get 6 over 3 years.
It was suggetsed i needed it to avoid osteoporosis in later life as ive gone into menopause in my 30s.
Hope this helps

Hello. I will be on Anastrazole after my chemotherapy. I had a zolandrenic acid infusion before chemotherapy started so i thought it was used to protect your bone density from chemotherapy. I will have it ecery 6 months for 3 years.

Hi , I am really interested in this thread. I am currently on Tamoxifen which I started almost six weeks ago. So far that has been fine but my oncologist has said that because my oncotype was 17 she would like me to have Zoladex injections and I am having my first in a week. I would really like to know how people are getting on with it. I am 42 and still premenopausal.

At my last appointment my oncologist also said that depending how I get on with the Zoladex she would also be recommending Zometa infusions and the she added that we may want to consider switching me to an inhibitor.

I was originally just having rads and Tamoxifen but because my oncotype was 17 she wants to up the ovarian suppression.

I have posted quite a bit but find it so helpful to hear other people’s experiences.

I have been taking anastrozole for nearly 5 years. I was given zolandronic acid infusions, a total of six at 6 monthly intervals to prevent osteoporosis and bone cancer. I was ok with them, and so far so good.

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