hi everyone,
im getting myself a bit worked up, worrying about a pain i keep getting in my right collar bone. it is not a sharp pain, more a dull ache that comes and goes.
my history is mx 12mths ago, trip neg, 25mm lumpectomy on left boob, senitel node involved all other 14 nodes clear, chemo tac, 15 rads plus 5 boosts. i havent had my check up mamo yet as the boob was still to red and tender when i had my last check. i am due to see onc next week and will mention pain then but was curious if anyone else had similiar,as you can imagine im preparing myself for the worst. and advise would be good, thanks
Hi mandy
Whilst you wait for the other users to reply with their experiences and advice please do give the BCC helpline a call. Here you can share your concerns with a trained member of staff who will offer you support as well as information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm and Sunday 9 to 2pm.
I hope this is helpful.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
I can understand your concern but my experience of recurrences and I’ve had 3 is that there is no pain.
Is it in an area where you had rads? I have had pain in areas that have been treated quite some time after and been told its damaged nerves repairing themselves.
No good me saying don’t worry its impossible not to but hope your mind is put at rest after you see your onc next week.
Take care.
thanks for your reply janice, its on the opposite side to the rads, its more of a ache than a pain, if that makes sense!
i will try not to worry, but you know what its like, paranoid has become my middle name lol
Hi Somerset lady
I had a similar ache a few months ago (which would be a year after my mastectomy)I also had a lump below my collar bone and, like you do, I was convinced it was cancer coming back. My surgeon checked it out at my next check-up. It turned out to be swollen lymph nodes but he did say I was right to have it checked out. They’re still there and I still have no idea why they’re enlarged. Possibly compensating for the damaged ones on the other side, who knows. I hope yours turns out to have a simple cause too.
Jan xx
thanks jan, i hope its something simple as well x