Is it just me .............?

Is it just me or is anyone else fed up with celebrities attending fund raising events for breast cancer wearing revealing dresses that show off their breasts and cleavage?

If I was attending such an event I would think that most women interested in the event would have had breast surgery including losing one or both breasts so showing mine off would be inappropriate. I am referring to the likes of Geri Halliwell at the Breastcancercare Fashion Show.

It makes me wonder if they are really interested in raising awareness and funds for bc or are they just interested in creating a tabloid pleasing photo opportunity?!

I have to remind myself that fundraising and breast cancer awareness is very important but do they have to be so insensitive?

Maude xx

Hi Maude

I think that possibly they don’t realise that it may be insensitive and maybe really do care about raising awareness and funds. Possibly, no matter what cause they were championing they would appear in the same revealing dresses. It may be a (positive!) publicity photo opportunity for them rather than the usual tabloid negative publicity that appears. I would like to think not. I complained to ASDA regarding their choice of Katie Price although I don’t have a problem with Pink October.

I work in a school office and every two years we buy blouses from companies who supply work wear. We are needless to say, all different shapes and sizes and all have different tastes. When it comes to choosing blouses it takes a lot of discussion. This year everybody would have been happy to choose white, except me. I have had mastectomy and reconstruction(a very good one) but still feel self conscious wearing white, as I feel that you can see through white blouses no matter what. Saying that, white was never a colour I wore even when I was younger. It was coming down to a choice between black and white. I have been to enough funerals this year without wearing black to work, so I stuck to my guns and we are wearing the blue blouses for the rest of the school year. Only one person could really understand where I was coming from and she had had an Ileostomy. I think unless you have been there, you really do not understand the underlying feelings. I must say that my work colleagues were fantastic when I was going through everything, I could not have asked for better support, but as I say unless you have been there you do not realise is the little things that matter.

Love and take care

I totally agree, its all becoming rather tasteless.

I remember pictures in the paper last year of Liz Hurley at a BC fundraiser, she was slated for choice of dress by at least 2 female tabloid writers as her dress literally pushed her breasts right up to her chin and just about covered the nipples. Both columns I read both commented what a poor in your face attitude she was setting to woman living with surgery.

I feel the pink campaign at times is now fashionable and as long as you are giving it doesn’t matter in what capacity.

Pink October to me is about awareness, not selling us out to tacky merchandise and lets face not that famous celebrities wanting free publicity.
