Is it possible?

Is it possible?

Is it possible? Hi I have not posted for a while I have been trying to put BC to the back of my mind, some chance!!!
My mastectomy over 2 years ago was for intermediate grade widespread DCIS with no evidence of invasion.

On the opposite side I have lumps under my arm and down the breast and they have been diagnosed as begnin.
I have just been to docs as since November I have a strange feeling down the side of my neck on that side and a nagging pain in my back, on the same side.
Doc is sending me for a camera down my nose Urghhhh and a scan (don’t know what sort). She did not say what she thought it might be and now my mind is playing tricks!!
I was assured my DCIS could not spread so should I be worried? Or am I just being paranoid?

Any advice or suggestions???
Or just tell me to stop worring, I’m being silly!!!
