I found this sight quite by accident. I was searching for information on how in the world they can look at the ultrasound and know that it is “just a cyst” come back in a year. I am 36 with a family history of BC - maternal granny lost both breasts - I found a lump last month that did not go away with 2 cycles. My OB sent me for an ultrasound after the mammogram showed nothing due to “very dense” breast tissue. I am really scared at the cavalier attitude that they had with my result of that it was just a cyst. There are 2 in excess of 4 cm each. Am I over-reacting? I can’t seem to find anyone willing to give a second opinion either - every one I have called has said - “If the radiologist said it’s just a cyst then it’s just a cyst”. Is there anyone out there that they have been mis-diagnosed in this way? Do I need to push until I find someone willing to do some kind of additional testing?
useful in giving more information about breast cysts and about tests for breast problems.
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I’m probably not much help to you as I have not had cysts, in fact I was originally told that mine would be a cyst but once I had the USS and mammo they said it definitely was not and was in fact a 3.5cm tumour.
I understand that fluid shows up differently on a scan, I think the easiest way to explain this is that when I had my second set of biopsies they were taken under USS conditions. When the Radiologist withdrew the needle the black area inside the tumour was left empty (ie a white colour) and did not fill back up as fluid would. He explained that if it was fluid you would not get to see this and that the lump would be different by having a regular shape rather than distorted edges as in my case. I’m a nurse so am rather nosey when I go for procedures of any type, hence asking lots of questions and demanding answers!
Not sure if that helps? I don’t know whether you would gain anything by going for second opinions as the Radiologists can usually tell cysts straight away. Can you access your surgeon direct via his secretary and ask for a FNA? This is usually one of the definitive way to ascertain breast cysts. Do they have a Breast Care nurse at your hospital that you could access for information?
As to whether you have been mis-diagnosed? No one other than informed & knowledgeable Doctors can tell you. Personally I feel that you are worried and need a more reassurance from your medical team.
You can always request a second opinion, and if it will help to settle your mind, I would insist on one. Ask your GP for a referral to a hospital in another PCT.
But as Lynn says, cysts look different on the scans from solid tumours.
cysts go away once they’ve been aspirated, i.e. a needle stuck in disperses the fluid.
Solid lumps stay and will show up on an ultrasound differently from a cyst. The doctor who did my ultrasound thought I had cancer as my lump didn’t disappear after the fine needle aspirations. Not all solid lumps are cancer though so I thought it was a fibroadenoma which is a benign lump
sadly it did turn out to be cancer. It felt rubbery. I had a cyst as well but I was 47 when I found the lump and both cancer and cysts are more common after 45 - the incidence of fibroadenomas declines after 30
I had a number of cysts (over several years) before I discovered a tumour. The radiologists were always very certain that the cysts were cysts and again when I presented with my “lump” (which I thought would be another cyst) that that wasn’t but was cancer. And clearly they were right! They told me that the fluid within the cysts shows up differently on both mammogram and ultrasound to the way the solid tumour looks. In fact when I was diagnosed with cancer, they showed me the mammogram and ultrasound and even I could see the difference. They can also tell from the shape I believe.
I did always have the cysts aspirated though, which was reassuring as I could see the fluid being withdrawn and then the “lump” disappearing on the ultrasound. Not sure why they haven’t suggested aspirating your cysts - that obviously would give you the reassurance you need. Perhaps you could ring the hospital and ask whether that is possible or talk to your gp to see whether he’ll refer you for an aspiration. You obviously are worrying and going to continue worrying given your family history unless you can get some more reassurance.
Another thought - there should be a Breast Care Nurse (as Lynn suggests) who might be able to help by showing you what cysts and tumours look like on an ultrasound and comparing them with yours.
Hope you manage to find someone to allay your worries
i have a fluid cyst i had it aspirated twice and yet it still fills up, i just dont know why, the last lot of fluid removed was blood yet they did not send it to be tested
so i have my lump
was made to feel unwelcomed and ill informed and really dont want to go bk to see that consult
so i keep larry the lump dont hurt so i,m not bothering
Thank you all so much for your support and suggestions. My Doctor is going totally with the Radiologist report and I guess that is why they make the big bucks. My GP won’t override the specialist for the FNA so I guess I wait until next year’s annual.
hi im new here so bear with me… had a recall for my 1st mammogram last week did tests and ultrasound seemed there was suspicious area on right breast on mammogram had round top but irregular at bottom on image.I kept asking if could be cyst told no it was solid even when having ultrasound.Went back on monday to be told by doctor i have good news and not so good image was a cyst??? but they wewre concerned at something behind i take it this was irregular area that showed up q? why didnt they know was cyst on ultrasound anyway i had to have another biopsy done at back of cyst to check the suspicious part and after sample taken doctor said it seemed very fluid? can a cyst have irregular edges. sory for so many qs but reading on internet all stes say cysts are picked up right away on ultrasound.
sometimes the internet isnt a good thing to browse… not everything you read is correct or credible i would make sure you go to credible sites like NHS or similar.
cysts are usually fluid filled so i wonder if that what he meant… when i had my mammo i had an area they thought was a cyst and the radiologist on doing the ultrasound said he was expecting to see a fluid filled cyst but was seeing a solid mass… which turned out to be a tumour.
not sure about regular or irregular… my first tumour felt irregular and a very lumpy lump but was grade 1 tumour (most normal) and my most recent one was very smooth and was convinced it was a cyst but was a grade 3 most abnormal… although everything else i have read has said that lumpy irregular lumps are more likely to be cancer.
i dont think all cysts are picked up straight away hence the reason they do biopsy to find this out.
hope this helps a wee bit but it is understandable to anxious and the reason they do all these tests is so they can find out and plan the correct treatment for you.
best of luck and hope its good news… but we are all here for you if its not.