is it routine to have all the scans?

I am 3 weeks post mx with node clearance, 7 of the nodes were diseased so have to start chemo but have also been sent appointments for a bone scan and ct scan. I had mri before op. Is it routine for everyone to have the scans because im now really worried that they think it has spread! I was diagnosed 5 weeks ago and its all happened so quickly, i would be greatful for any info, this is all so scarey. many thanks.

I’m sorry Sophia but I don’t know. There’s bound to be someone along in a few minutes who will know. Have you tried looking at the publications on this site? It’s normal to be scared but information helps to calm me down. Knowledge helps you to take control.

Sophia, I think it varies enormously depending on the policy of your hospital. Some places send everyone for routine scans, others only send if symptoms suggest spread.

Hi there
in my hospital scans are given if 4 or more nodes are involved but it does vary from trust to trust. Try not to panic it is only precautionary. I know lots of ladies with more significant node involvement who have had clear scans. The wait for results is agony hope you don’t have to wait too long.
All the best x

Hi Sophia

I think if more than one or two nodes are positive, it is pretty much routine to have a bone and CT scan, just to be on the safe side. So there’s no need to read any more into it than they are just being cautious. I would imagine the mri was just for the breast, so they now need to check elsewhere. It is a horrible waiting time though, and it’s impossible not to worry.

Good luck – please let us know how you get on.

finty xx

Hi there sophia,

It really is a terribly scary time but don’t panic about the scans. I had 6/12 nodes affected and also had a bone and CT scan. They are done to check for spread but from what I can gather at my hospital they seem to routinely scan everyone with several positive nodes so I’d doubt they’re suspecting anything in particular.

The MRI may well have been to check the local area before surgery. You may also have a heart ultrasound and ECG before chemo as some of it is tough on the heart so they need to get a baseline of your heart function. I actually had this just after my first chemo as they couldn’t fit me in any sooner.

You’ll also have another scan when you go for you radiotherapy planning session (as I am tomorrow) so that they can pinpoint the area they need to treat.

There are so many things happening to you at the moment but just take it one step at a time and I’m sure there is no need to worry because you’re having scans. Of course, waiting for the results of them is stressful - there’s no denying that - but hopefully yours will be clear. I was panicking about mine, but then a couple of weeks after I had them I saw my oncologist and at the end of the apppintment she just said as an afterthought, “Oh, did I tell you your scans were clear?” I could have kissed her!

If you’re still worried give your BCN a call or ring the BCC help line - they’re great!

Jane xxx

Hi Sophia,

I had 2/22 nodes affected and I had a CT and Bone scan, plus ECG for Chemo/Herceptin. My Onc said they are doing the scans just to make sure there is no spread anywhere else not that they think it has? My scans came back with no evidence of the disease. Like everyone else has said I think each hospital has there own policy they follow as to whether you get scanned or not. I know how you are feeling as I was sooo scared of these scans and results,try to think positive.

Sending ((hugs))

Donna x

Hi Sophia2,

I had 21/23 nodes involved and I was given CT lungs and liver and bone scan as routine.
I’m very relieved to say my scans were clear even with all those nodes!

K x

Thanks everyone, i feel much better now! have to see the onc tomorrow for first time then scans on wed and fri, results in 2 weeks so fingers crossed x