Hi everyone
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here, but I was hoping some of you lovely ladies could give me any advice.
I had a mastectomy in Sept 2006, folowed by chemo, rads and now tamoxifen. I always intended to have reconstructive surgery, but after my first visit to the plastic surgeon he told me that the one where they take fat and muscle from the abdomen would be best for me [as long as I give up the ciggies but thats another story] What I’m wondering is how disabling is this procedure? It seems like alot to go through, which I wouldn’t mind if I thought I would recover in time and not be permanently disabled.
Has anyone had this done who can tell me what to expect?
Thanks in advance to anyone that replys
A diep flap op is the same as above but doesnt use any muscle so there is less risk of hernia of the abdomen, you need to make sure you have a surgeon that is skilled in this op and make sure that your surgeon has explained why he hasnt offered this type of op to you (considered the gold standard in recons) is it because he cant do it?.
Look at all the options available - I had a diep 2 years ago and am really pleased with the results and the long surgery was worth it. To give yourself the best possible chance of a good outcome you will need to try and cut the ciggies out as not only risk with op but healing and scars are reduced when you dont smoke (know its hard - I gave up 4 years ago) but what an excellent insentive.
Hi linda, I had bilateral mastectmies and tram reconstruction (using some abdominal muscle) 6 weeks ago, and the recovery does take time, but I am pleased with the results so far. I had it done for risk reduction reasons. I’m not expecting permanent disability, but definitely need to take things easy whilst things repair.
I had mastectomy in Dec 05and finally had my recon 5 weeks ago using tummy muscle (tram flap). I had the op on tuesday 11.12.07, was out of bed (although very carefully and slowly) on the Friday and allowed home on the Sunday. Pain wise I think I have taken quite well, I woke with an epidural which stayed in to the thursday then just 2 shots of morphine and pain killers there after which I decided to stop on th 23rd as was preffering a christmas glass of wine instead. I had my fist check up Christmas eve and PS was impressed with my mobility and strength and am now able to easily stand straight, go out for walks and even found myself walking the stairs 2 at a time the other day, although thats all I dare do, would not attempt anything more strenuous and know its going to be a long while before I go back to my aerobic classes.
My tummy is still very tight and slightly tender but I am rubbing in loads of E45 to tummy and boob and I am very happy with the results. I know the new boob is still to settle but the shape is fantastic already and I am so happy I had the op (my PS advised this was the gold service for cosmetic results) we did discuss all other options, but had I gone for any other op then I would also have needed an implant which I wasn’t to keen on, also the skin on my tummy was a near perfect match as I have a very freckly back.
My PS did advise that when I am allowed to do situps again then I might be doing them at a slight angle and my tummy wouldn’t be as strong but that should be it for long lasting effects.
I have found the recovery OK, but have 10 and 8 year old kids, so find I cant sit down for long periods.
Thanks for your help. I have been doing some more research since reading your replies and feel I will be a bit better prepared for my next appointment with PS.
I think I will probably go for it eventually, but I don’t think I’m quite ready for it mentally yet - Maybe next year. I must admit, the thought of having 2 boobs again is very appealing! Must give up the fags and start some sit-ups me thinks.
Hy Linda, i’m in same boat as you as i had mastectomy jan 07, in fact 1st anniversary of op tomorrow.I have been to see ps who has advised me to have ld due to lack of flab on tummy, how nice that felt. but i’m unsure whether to go ahead or not. As much as i would love to have 2 boobs again thought of another op for cosmetic reasons puts me off as does having to stop smoking. When do you see your ps again and whereabouts in the country are you?
I’m still waiting for the appointment to come through, but when I saw him in September he said he would see me again in about February. He showed me some pics of some ladies he has operated on, some were good and some not so good. I think you just have to take your chances to a degree.
I’ve certainly got enough flab for it - I’ve put nearly 2 stone on since starting all the treatment but he did say that my skin was still quite hard from the rads. The good thing is that there’s no time limit to have it done. I’m in the Midlands, Staffs, where r u
I stopped smoking 3 years ago by using hypnosis, I had tried every treatment known to man to stop before and I guess I really liked smoking. Having lost mother in law and dad over a space of 3 months I was smoking at least 30 ciggies per day sometimes more.
I looked around and did some research the hypnotist I used was not the cheapest £250 but had the best feed back, I must admit I did want to stop by this time which is important. On the dreaded day I think I had smoked my allotted 30 before lunch time but from that day I have never even wanted a ciggie. It was like he had wiped it from my memory that I had ever even smoked, my routine in a morning get up, put on kettle have a cig changed to get up put on kettle, unload dishwasher - without even having to think about it - I really did and still do feel like I have never smoked a ciggie, really amazing. No withdrawal symptons, no reaching for a ciggie in a stressed moment - my youngest has behavioural probs so I have plenty of them - dx cancer - still I did not want to have a ciggie.
Its the best £250 I have ever spent plus we have had 3 holidays abroad on the proceeds.
If you are not ready you are not ready but when you are try this I still cant believe how easy it was to give up