Is MRI of the brain standard?

Hi! I am back again. Thank you for all of the support and answers from my first post. My mom is finally seeing the surgeon today to get a plan. She will see the doctor who will be doing radiation on her tomorrow to make a plan there as well. They have also ordered a PET can and an MRI of her brain, which scares me. Is it standard to have an MRI of the brain when you have breast cancer? We do not know her stage yet. All we know is that she her tumor is 1.7 cm (we originally thought it was 2) It is Invasive ductal carcinoma, Nuclear Grade 2. They could not see lymph node involvement by the ultrasound done during the biopsy or the ultrasound done before the biopsy. So my worry and question is about the MRI of her brain and whether that is standard to do that or whether they may be worried about metastasis and not saying anything about it. While I am still very worried, I am glad that the wheels are finally turning and that she is finally getting her appointments instead of waiting constantly for pre-approval from her insurance.

Sorry your mum is having such a horrid time. Can’t give you a definite answer I’m afraid as it seems that different oncologists and different hospitals do things very difficult things. I can understand your concern but try not to cross too many bridges till they are in sight, at least your Mums team are having a thorough investigation - I wish you both every god wish, please let us know the results.

Thank you! She saw her surgeon today and the surgeon believed that the MRI of her brain was a little over-kill. He said that her prognosis was good and that she will be having a lumpectomy along with testing of her sentinel node as soon as Friday or early next week…hopefully Friday! She will see the person in the morning for a PET scan and also meet with the person who will be giving her radiation treatments. They say: Lumpectomy, radiation and chemotherapy and she should be ok. I feel such relief knowing that there is a plan in order now instead of spinning wheels. I think I will take a soak tonight before bed and digest all that has happened knowing that she is getting starting on what needs to be done. After this is behind her, I hope that she and her husband leave Texas and come to be with us.

So glad to hear that things are underway, it is always easier to cope once you have a plan and a better picture. Hope all goes well and recovery from op is quick, chemo and rads obviously sound scary but are doable and it’s good to get it all started.
Have a good long relaxing soak, hope you get your wish and mum comes to you so you can see her progress and help her through it all. Thanks for letting us know, keep in touch and good luck to mum and you too,love Julie