Two years ago I went for my first mammogram. I was recalled and following a second mammogram was shown I had a cyst which looked like a grape sized balloon on the picture.
I was told it was perfectly harmless and to come back in two years.
Last year I found a large lump in my left breast. It was painful and hard. My doctor referred me to a breast clinic at a different hospital and they discovered my lump was a huge cyst which they aspirated and withdrew 50mls fluid. (About a double scotch!)
This year I was invited to go back to the first hospital for a mammogram. It was good timing because I felt a lump in my left breast again. This time it does not hurt and my left breast is now noticeably smaller than my right one.
Can anyone tell me why my breast has got smaller? It has only happened in the last 4 weeks or so.
My recall appointment is tomorrow and I have been ok up till now telling myself its just another cyst, but deep down I am scared.