Is my Mum going to die? =[

She had a single masectomy 2 weeks ago and is recovering from that, today she went to see her histology results and the doctors said 10 out of 15 of her removed Lymph nodes tested positive for cancer, the worst bit is that a doctor spotted a non alcohol related shadow on her liver and they want to test that



Dear LHAMG1991

Welcome to the forum.  I am sure other members will soon be along to offer you some support.

You could also contact our helpline for information and support.  They will be open again tomorrow at 9.00am.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

I think what we all try to focus on when we get that initial bad news, is what can be done about it.  Yes, there is a lot to be scared about, but also there is a lot that can be done.  At this point the answers won’t be clear, and it will take a long time, appointments and tests to be clearer about what the possible outcome is. The great thing about this forum is that you will find someone who has been in a similar position.  


Take care of yourself and your Mum. 



The horrible answer to that sweetheart is Yes,but so am I and so are you,we all are but that doesn’t mean it is imminent there are many ladies on here who have had far worse results than your mum and live a full active life and breast cancer has just been a horrible blip in their lives,one thing I can promise you she will have the best treatment,breast cancer care in this country is first class it really is,I only wish the rest of the NHS was as good.You need to give your mum support (I know you are already)look after her when she is feeling a bit down and out of sorts with the treatment she will receive,the most important thing you can do is be positive,don’t think negative thoughts (easier said than done I really do know)and just love her hunny, that is all anyone who has to watch their loved ones go through this horrible illness can do,you and your mum will get through this just stay strong and keep posting the ladies on this site honestly are fantastic and there is always someone who has gone through or going through what your mum is and the support you get will help you both.

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As a mother going through breast cancer I have watched my two sons struggle with my diagnosis. They are not babies anymore but young men and they have dealt with my diagnosis as best they can. Typical boys, they bury their heads in the sand and pretend it is not happening but I know how devastated they were at the beginning. I know they thought I was going to die and if I am honest in my darkest moments I thought I was too. Kevin is right - yes sweetie, we will all die soon but not without a struggle lol. All us ladies on here are so amazing and have lived or are living through each stage of our treatment/s. We do need the love and support of our loved ones but we also know how difficult it is for them and how they can’t really understand or comprehend what we are going through. Your mum will have her wobbly days and that is when she will need you the most. A hug, some loving words and to know that she is not alone will be the best thing you can do for her. She may joke at times as we all do - humour helps! Go with how she feels. Perhaps encourage her to contact us. I know it has helped me enormously coming on this site and knowing that others (thousands) of women like myself are going through this awful journey. She will come through stronger and more determined in life.

Wishing you well and sending you a huge hug of encouragement. Love Mands xxx

None of us know the answer. The waiting for test results and treatment is the hardest but try to focus on the positives. They have found something and are doing their best to investigate and decide on whatever treatment if any. You may find comfort in calling the helpline as Janet suggests. Take care. Mands xxx