Is there anyone else.........

Is there anyone else…

Is there anyone else… …who works for the NHS and had problems on returning to work?
In a nutshell, diagnosed august 2005 mastectomy axillary clearance, chemo, rads and now on tamoxifen. Returned to work in June this year had a phased return, to which I started working the normal pattern of 12 1/2 hr shifts in October.
Although I have only worked part time in the first rota I was put down to work 4 12 1/2 hr shifts ie 50 hrs in one week. I approached my immediate manager who altered it but was obviously not happy. On the next rota I was put down for 6 12 1/2 hr shifts in 8 days. Occupational health recommendations were that I could do long shifts but not consecutively and a copy of this was sent to myself, and my 2 managers who deny getting this and as of the beginning of October have not made themselves available at all bar a brief telephone conversation. Occ health have taken the issue to personnel who discussed with my manager who suggested that I had requested to work such a shift pattern???
I know that they are discriminating against me and causing untold stress and I probably could bring a case against them but to be honest I don’t want the hassle and thought that returning to work was going to be some level of normality. Unfortunately due to financial restraints my union membership lapsed.
Just wondering if anyone else had been in the same situation and how they coped? Any advice appreciated !!

sorry, not in your situation but you are covered under the disability discrimination board now. could web search for the details, sorry again don’t know address.

hope you get sorted.
sharon. x

Helpline Hi Tess1

I am sorry to hear you are going through such a worrying time. Often with detailed inquiries like this our helpline can be the best source of information and support.

You can call the helpline on 0808 800 6000
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

The team is able to talk about both technical and emotional issues surrounding breast cancer and breast health.

I hope this helps and please carry on posting to the forums

Best wishes
Breast Cancer Care

Information for TESS1 Hi Tess

I have been investigating where to find information regarding work problems and discrimination. If you look on the cancerbackup web site there is a lot of detailed information about such issues.

The web address is:-

I hope this will be of help to you.

Kind regards
Bcc Host

Returning to work Hi Tess

I too work for the NHS and am planning to return to work in the New Year. I have been perhaps more fortunate than yourself as my Matron has agreed that I can use current holiday entitlement to go back part time until April. I know its a waste of holiday but would rather do this than go back to work immediately full time.

However am currently getting Incapacity Benefit as am now on half and had an interesting meeting at the job centre yesterday that may be of benefit to all on here. She advised me that there is a local disability adviser attached to your local job centre who can help you if you are having any problems at all with returning to work. Perhaps it may be worth giving them a ring as I was told they can certainly be quite persuasive with employers.

Hope this helps


Thank you everyone for your replies and help.
Claire I also used holiday days when I first went back to work, and they seemed to be quite approachable and helpful. It seems that as soon as I have started long shifts that they think I’m back to normal and need no further consideration. The younger members of staff are fatigued so what do they think I am? In addition I’ve been going for interviews but have not got anything, feedback comes out with things like “insufficient qualifications” which surely should be assesed before interview. Anyway my GP now insists that I go back on sick leave as I’m so stressed something I didn’t want to happen