I was dx last year and have had chemo, surgery, rads and now zoladex and tamoxifen. When i was having chemo i used to get 2 really tender spots at the base of my skull but i always thought it was just another chemo side effect. Recently i have been very tender there again and sore to the touch. Has anyone had anything similiar? I have had a few scares and i am loathed to mention anything else to doc unless necessary.
I had high lymph involvement at dx and vascular invasion so i suppose i am worried although trying not to be. I just don’t want to overreact at the slightest thing.
I think you should mention it to youre GP. You are fearing the worse which we all do when anything aches or is sore. I’ ve had a cold which still hasn’t quite gone and of course think it could be something sinister cos Im still coughing after 2 weeks. Youre not over reacting ,you are just concerned.
Do you want a bonescan or be referred to someone? Do you have a breast nurse you could speak to? She could refer you on.
Thanks for that, I really dont want to overreact and probably need to learn to chill a bit more. It just seems like such a strange place to get and ache and wondered if anyone had anything similiar. I’m seeing my Gp on Wednesday for a routine matter and could bring it up I just don’t want to get labaled as the lady who cried wolf.
are the sore spots symmetrical ie one either side of the base of the skull? It could be the occipital lymph nodes that are enlarged maybe because of a viral infection or just because you are still low from the chemo. My son had these two little lumps that were constantly up when he had chemo and for a while afterwards and this is what they were - just where the skull joins the neck.
I do think you should mention it to your GP, if only to put your mind at rest. Any good GP should understand how we feel having had cancer - I mentioned quite a few symptoms to my doctor and he has always been very sympathetic and either managed to reassure me on the spot or refer me on for an appropriate test. You have every right to mention your concerns - we are not hypochondriacs, just anxious.
I think i will mention it. Cathy thats exactly where the pain is, it used to really ache there after chemo but cleared up afterwards. It’s only in the last couple of weeks that its flared up again. It’s probably somthing a simple as a viral infection but you do get a pit paranoid.