is this normal

hello everyone i wondered if anyone could help me i had a wle and 6 lymphs removed 3weeks ago . the area arond the wound site on my breast is very hard and still feels sore is this normal?

Hi , I had first breast wle on 4th sept , second on 21st sept so a similar time to you. I also have a hard area around the scar and BC nurse says it is completely normal . I was also concerned as if it remains this way I will have difficulty in doing breast examinations.

Cally x

Snap! - WLE on 25th Sept, 2nd 9th Oct - seeing consultant for results on Monday so he’ll be able to say the same thing.

I was in Boots yesterday and they sell stuff for softening scar tissue - I think you have to wait until you’re sure the wound is healed first - pretty sure that the aqueous creams suggested during radiotherapy will help.

If you’re like me though you’ll be loath to actually touch the wound so it will be interesting trying to soften it through massage!

Best of luck
Maddy xxxxx

My lumpectomy was a year ago and area round scar is still hard surgeon and onc say that is normal and rads doesn’t help.

Hi, I had WLE 20th Sept, Healed nicely on the outside but still sore sometimes inside. Aftercare nurse said the breast would become hard then over time soften. Nurse started me on aqueous cream as soon as dressing was removed, supposed to really help with rads.
Caz xx