I live alone, have done for 3.5 years. When I moved in 04 there were loads of jobs that needed doing, shelves to be put up, carpet to lay, furniture to “build” and, although I did mention these things - friends and family all were too busy. So I plodded on and did these things for myself. Actually had great fun and became extremely adept at using polyfiller! Now, all there is left is decorating the bathroom and living room - delayed because i was nursing my father.
Now i have breast cancer they are all organising my life, my home - between the running back and for to the hospital and my family there is just no time left for me. Until a two weeks ago it was me that did the visiting - now they seem to take it in turns so every day is busy helping them help me - and i am exhausted!!!
and the real crunch is - only i know where i keep things, i could go into my kitchen and make a meal with my eyes closed - but, right now, i’ve emptied all my drawers trying to find the bread knife that lives in the knife block, or should i say - LIVED. it is nowhere - so, before the next onslaught i shall have to go buy a bread knife.
Personally I think i would cope so much better pottering around in my own way at my own speed. I have enough to do without entertaining everyone all the time - things like reading, knitting, computers - and, most important, sleeping!
moan over
thank you for listening
I know just how you feel I spend all day entertaing folk!! Trouble is Ruth my kids who are grown up descend on me and I do all cooking and washing up. You wouldn’t believe it. Friends are ok they do make the odd brew. I look so healthy with a big red face and hair coming back on that they think I am fine and dandy. Dying to be left alone with sewing computer gardening learning to crochet , reading just to have a rest before I go back to work They are really nice kids sinve chemo finished and stopped lying in bed they think they can come and camp all day eat homemade cake and leave a mess when they go. Moan over lol Love Eileen
I am on my own - and my family and friends respect my desire not to have others doing things I would prefer to do for myself. As a result, if I do ask for help, they are very willing and rally round at once.