EC chemo starting on Monday. Is it easier to accept full hair loss rather than trying to keep it with the cold cap?
Hi London, it’s really down to personal preference but I can offer you a little advice to maybe help your decision. I’m a hairdresser who has come across lots of ladies that have been through chemo and I’ve seen some take control immediately of the hair and others just leave it to shed till it’s gone and some use the cold cap (which on the evidence I see only serves to delay the inevitable) in my experience the ladies that took control ie preparing themselves by gradually going shorter till the day comes when they shave it off…this way you get slowly used to having less and less hair and looking different (this is the option I have choice) the ladies using the other methods all found it very distressing especially the ones that used the cold cap as the were obviously hoping for better results.
I had my first chemo yesterday and sat with me were 3 other ladies all using the cold cap, each one were at least on their 2n and 3rd round…1 lady was bald underneath at the back with the crown hair covering it, her shoulders and chest were covered in hair! The other had a head full of fluff and the 3rd one had a whispy fringe and a few whisps around about, the rest was bald. What was really obvious was how distressed they were about it.
I can’t help thinking to myself, especially now that I’ve found myself in this awful position that surely we have enough to contend with…again in my experience once the initial shock has gone and the tears have stopped it can be put at the back to enable us to cope with recovering from the treatment.
Lengthy I know but I hope it helps…you have to do what feels right for you…best of luck x
Thanks, that confirms it, I used to have very short hair so will go that route. It’s my eyelashes and eyebrows that cause me more concern than the hair anyway. Any advice on those?
Hi again London, why not book yourself on the look good feel better workshop, they show you how to go about doing these things and at the end of it give you a goody bag full of £250 worth of make up and beauty products! I’ve booked and it’s a 10 week waiting list where I am so don’t leave it too long x
Hi London I have just finished my last FEC I had 6 in total and used the cold cap with great success I still have a full head of hair and no one would know I’ve been through chemo. I uses the paxman . I had long hair and was very reluctant to get it cut short so had it cut just below shoulders and layered. My hair did shed but evenly my hair has grown about 2-3 inches during chemo. I’d recommend if you don’t want to loose your hair as it can work but for others it’s not so effective . I just knew I didn’t want to loose my hair so would give anything a shot at keeping it. It is horrible having the cold cap but it’s once every three weeks and I had it on for half hour before e drug is put in then 2 hours after so about 3hours. It is personal choice if loosing your hair is not a big deal then don’t go for it but if it is then I would say give it a go. You do need to make sure they get a really good fit with the cap otherwise you will loose your hair . If you do want to give it a go private message me and I’ll give you all the info what I did to keep my hair . Good luck with whatever you decide xxx
Thanks all. I decided that having hair but potentially no eyebrows/eyelashes was not for me so accepted I have to brave it or learn to like wearing hats. I have unusual natural hair colour so a wig would not work for me either. Am 52 and it is slowly going grey so my next concern is that it will grow back fully grey, but I have kept my hair colour for longer than a lot of people so can’t be too upset.
Hi London
Not sure what regime you are on but I was on fec- t and did not start to loose my brows and lashes until after my first tax ie chemo 4. I still had about a 3rd of my brows and lashes by last chemo and now less than 3 weeks after my last chemo they are growing back. I have found pencilling them in works well.
Obviously the cold cap is a personal choice so good luck with your decision
Hi I didn’t loose my eye brows or lashes on FEC even my hairs on my legs and arms continued to grow and with useing cold cap I have 2/3 inch regrowth xxx tracy
I used the cold cap through fec 1 2 and 3 and then gave up for the remaining x3 of dexetaxel due to looking like gollam from lord of the rings! It was a horrible experience for me but I put up with it to save my hair which I ended up having to get my bf to shave it off chemo number 4 and ive never felt better! I honestly felt more rotten going bald with strands of hair than I do with no hair it was getting me down everyday watching more and more come out! I say try everything once as I know it has worked out not bad for other woman but just be prepared for it maybe not thinning out even make sure you have the right size on and taking two paracetamol before hand helps the sore head a weeee bit lolAfter every session I could literally pick ice off my hair! ! All the best!!
Hi i used the paxman cold cap and it was a great sucess. I had 6xfec starting last may till september I used to have long blond hair down to my waist and had it all cut off into a short bob with a fringe it broke my heart but i did this because i knew i had to handle it as less as possible no hairdryer or straigtners or any hair products i bought a wig as a back up i never wore it untill i went out at christmas. i brushed my hair in a morning and kept it tied back every day i had a big loss on my 2nd chemo most of that was on the top so i pinned my fringe bk to cover it and when the summer came and everyone was complaining about how hot the wigs were to wear i was so glad i stuck with it. i took pain killers an hour befor hand and i got no headache’s at all .The tighter the cap the better the result the strap under neath my chin was pressing on my throut so i pulled it forward and rested it on my chin and now all my new hair has grown bk it is really thick and feels great plus because i kept most of my hair people who met me for the first time couldnt belive how well i looked on chemo sorry i gone on a bit but i would defoe advise any body to give it a go Good luck with your treatment. Yvonne
Hi guys.
My chemotherapy starts on 4 May. I also have had my hair cut short. I am in 2 minds still about the cold cap. In preparation I have had my eyebrows tattooed, bought a very convincing wig, and got a couple of hats. I feel
So anxious now as the 1st cycle of either fec or t approaches. I just feel sick and really scared. I have triple negative bc
Hello ladies ,welcome to the forum .There is quite a lot of information about cold capping on the thread “cold cap did if help you keep your hair” .If you would like some ongoing advice and support from ladies going through chemo at the same time join the May starters chemo monthly thread .All the best with your treatment .Jill.