It,s been emotional

I,ve rarely posted on here since my mum was diagnosed with BC almost 5 years ago but I,ve been on here practically everyday and followed stories that have both inspired me as well as breaking my heart, Potmaid always sticks in my mind. Well today I was told that my mum has days maybe weeks left as the cancer has spread pretty much everywhere. Flo (my mum) has never ailed anything until she was diagnosed with BC at 89. I,m so proud of the way she has battled and handled her illness and more so today as she handled the news like the brave and courageous 94 year old lady that she is while I have been a quivering wreck. We are bringing her home on Tuesday to spend her final days where she is happy and feels secure. Don,t know why I,ve posted on here but I felt that I had to as a tribute to her bravery but also out of love as she is my world.

Dear Emperortooco,

Thank you for your post.  I’m pleased you have found some support on the forums over the years.

I am sorry to hear that your mum is so poorly.

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Oh,Emperortooco,so sorry to here your news,my heart goes out to you and your mum.
Love and hugs to you at this very sad time xxxxxxxxxx

Oh this is always so sad to hear and I am so sorry for you and your family. Be proud of your amazingly strong mum and remember the wonderful times…such a great age…the things she must have experienced in her lifetime. Shes with the love of her family and that’s all she needs.

lots of love to you 

bev xxxxxx

Thinking of you and mum…I’m praying that she gets home tomorrow. Sending you a huge hug and lots of love…stay strong ((((( )))))
Bev xxx

Thank goodness she’s home where she belongs…close to you all. Much love to you and will be thinking of you xxx

Oh emperortooco…its heartbreaking reading your post. Im sending you love and a huge hug and you and your mum are in my thoughts and prayers. Its so cruel this disease…it is my worst nightmare the thought I’ll never see my beautiful children anymore or see their children. Stay strong and stay close to your mum and hold her close.
Love bev xxx

Love and kisses to you.  There is nothing better than taking your Mum’s hand at the end of her life as she took your’s at the beginning of your life.  Full circle.

Ade xxx

Oh thats the best news! She’s certainly a fighter. Hope she is comfortable. …and the fact mum is still eating a little is good. Thinking of you both and sending a gentle hug xxx

Sorry i posted before I’d finished…wanted to wish her a very very happy birthday ? xxx

Thinking of you and sending a gentle hug to you and your mum. What a beautiful post Mel66 ??
Bev xxxx

Sorry to hear your sad news. It’s never easy, no matter what age and even when you know it’s inevitable. Be comforted that she’s at peace now and you did all you could for her.


Take care.



So sorry for your loss…losing a mum is devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with you xxx

Thank you for sharing such an emotional journey with us. Its clearly going to be a difficult time for you at the moment without your dear mum. But yes…time to move on from here. I feel honoured to think we helped you through some difficult times. Take care and God bless you.
Love bev xxx

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