I have joined this forum to hopefully get some support with a side affect that is leaving me desperate and totally at a loss.
After my 4th (out of 6) chemo treatment I started itching on my arms and shoulders. No rash or redness. A prickly, creeping sensation that is constant and horrendous at night, where sleep is inpossible. It makes me want to rip my skin off. I am about to have my last chemo (yay!), so this has been going on 6 weeks.
I ve been prescribed anti histamine tablets, told to use aveeno products and have tried E45 and various other creams. Nothing eases the itching. Anti histamine knocks me out, but I scratch during sleep. No professionals have heard of this itching without a rash ? (I have spoken with GP, Macmillan Nurse, Onchologist and Onchology pharmacist)
I tried to research myself and feel it could be to do with my nerve endings, so have taken cocodamol. This knocks me out, but gives little relief. I tried using a tens machine last night, which did distract and therefore relieve whilst using.
My treatment is Docetaxel, Carboplatin, Phesgo, Zoledronic acid, Trastuzumab
My Diagnosis is Grade 2 ER3 PRO HER2 positive
I am hoping that someone in this forum has experience of this itching and can offer some advice on how I can cope moving forward. As there is no relief at any point after chemo, I am expecting this to continue for some time …
Thank you in advance