I wonder if anyone else has night time itching? A few weeks ago it started when i go to bed my arms are particularily itchy. Is it tamoxifen I ask myself, yet another side affect.
I wonder if anyone else has night time itching? A few weeks ago it started when i go to bed my arms are particularily itchy. Is it tamoxifen I ask myself, yet another side affect.
itching and a rash are side effects of tamoxifen. I’ve been taking it for 6 weeks and then I came out in a rash from my neck down to my knees and it itched like hel*. I’ve had to stop taking it for a few weeks and they are going to reintroduce it back in December. Are you having lots of hot flushes through the night also as I dont think that they help
I have terrible itchy arms at night. My arms look like I have eczema but I don’t. I have only been on Tamoxifen this week, but I will say I had this once before 2 years ago when I was going through a particular stressful time, so I just assumed it was nerves!!
I’ll see if it stops as I chill…
One thing I can say it helps to sort of dig your nail in the centre of the itchy spot rather than scratching. scratching just makes the itch worse.
Of course if you do have a rash as well it could well be a reaction to tamoxifen.
Doesn’t it drive you nuts!
My arms itch at night too, but I can’t see anything, except my sctratch marks next morning. Must be the Tamoxifen .
Norma X
It’s 3.05 and I’m going to try to go back to bed. Woke up tearing myself to bits.Have took some antihistamine and I seem to have stopped scratching now.That might be psychological.
Anybody else still sratching?
Good Night
I, too, have a very itchy forearm. It is worse at night or if I feel hot and the more I scratch the more it itches. Also, sometimes I have a strange prickly feeling on the skin of my forearm and elsewhere on my body as though someone is stroking me with a nettle leaf. The itching is only on one arm and that is the arm that has all the injections and iv’s and things. I am not taking Tamoxifen. I have Herceptin every three weeks and Femara daily. I find rolling a chilled can of lager/coke etc up and down my arm gives me some relief.
My mum had itching, told her consultant and he changed the brand of tamoxifen…no more itching.