Not sure if I’m posting in the right place - it’s rather complicated isn’t it?
I’m through my treatment but having found I have the Braca 2 gene I’m waiting for appointments to have an mx on my ‘healthy’ breast as the genetic consultant said that I had an 85% chance of recurrence in it. However, even before I got the genetic test results I’ve had a terribly itchy breast. The surgeon examined me and said that I didn’t need a mammogram or anything and it was probably just due to dry skin. I’m not sure if it’s paranoia or something going wrong but it really doesn’t feel like itchy skin but itching deeper than that. Has anyone else had this problem?
Hi Jan
I am sorry that you may not have received any replies to this post as we have been experiencing technical issues and are still working on them as you may know, hopefully now other users will see your post and be able to reply, we are sorry for this delay
Just a quick response a I saw your post while scrolling. I had an itchy nipple for a year which I kept treating with creams. I am now heading for my 7th cycle of chemo… You need to go back to the Doctors- NOW!
Itchy nipples are signs fo breast cancer and need further investigation, they could be nothing but equally could be something
Thank you very much. I have been examined by the breast surgeon who assured me all was well but I am still experiencing the itch and am very worried so I have finally got them to give me a mammogram today - hooray. I’m now awaiting the results. However, I’m having a 2nd mastectomy in any case on the 20th September and a double reconstruction so I’m hoping and praying that it is not too late! My husband has had to hide his penknife. I feel like cutting it off myself. Janx