itchy op area

Hi there- new to forum as took a while to get my head round things! Have had lumpectomy and SNB - margins still not clear so going in next week for more tissue removal (4th op and counting…). Currently had arm swelling drained twice, but getting itching and slight reddening around nipple area and towards scar - anyone else getting this? its driving me mad!!

Hi fierceandfiesty

Welcome to the BCC forums where you will receive valuable support from your fellow users, in addition BCC can offer you information and support in various ways, here’s a link to the services we offer which you may find of help at some point:

Take care

Hi fierceandfeisty - What a time you are having. Four ops! I am sorry I can’t really help you with an answer but thought I would bump your post up, as someone else may be able to help. They tend to get lost if no-one replies immediately, although I see that Lucy did answer.

I had slight itching as the scar healed after my WLE (lumpectomy) and SNB but it sounds as if yours might be some sort of infection. Have you rung your Breast Care Nurse to ask her? You could try the helpline on this site.

I hope you get some help and wish you luck with your op.

Ann x

thanks for the reply Ann 04 - will ring my BCN on Monday morning!