itchy rash after radiotherapy

Hi lovely ladies
I completed 15 sessions of Radiotherapy last week. Over the fast few days I’ve developed a sore and itchy rash over my breast and some of the skin has broken slightly. Anyone else experiencing anything similar and should I get it checked?

Hi loveitalia and welcome to the BCC forums

Whilst you await replies here I am posting a link to the BCC radiotherapy side effects information which I hope you will find helpful:

For any concerns or queries please feel free to call our helpliners on 0808 800 6000 weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi loveitalia

I too experienced an itchy rash post radiotherapy and an area of broken skin. I would see your GP for the sore…it is better to treaty it early to avoid complications. I had cream for mine and it cleared up lovely…the itchiness can last a while but does go eventually

Hope that helps x

Thank you Donna and family that’s really helpful x

I also have an itchy rash, but no sign of any skin breaking down, just tiny red spots all over the breast.  I finished rads on 11th April, all fine. Carried on using E45 twice a day, liberally. Then the rash came, so I have stopped the E45 - thought maybe I’d overdone it.

Not sure what to try now to stop the (mild) itching and get rid of the rash. 

Rang breast care nurse, said leave it, then maybe try aqueous cream. Skin feels soft, not dry. Needs soothing/healing.

Any thoughts?