Itchy Scalp on Tamoxifen

Itchy Scalp on Tamoxifen

Itchy Scalp on Tamoxifen Sorry if this is a duplicate posting - my previous one has disappeared so think I pressed the wrong button!

Anyway, any one else had unbearable itching of the scalp whilst on tamoxifen. It is of course way down the list to some of the side effects affecting us, but just wanted to bring it up to see if is just me.

I don’t have any flakes/dandruff but the itching is driving me slightly potty as it never lets up. I’ve tried pharmacuetical grade olive and almonds oil as a head massage but the itching remains the same.

Would be pleased to hear of any solutions.

Many thanks, Morgan xxx

do you know, every now and then i get an itchy scalp, was going to ask if anyone else did and here we are.
don’t think mine is half as bad as yours though.
sharon. x