Itchy skin 8 months after radiotherapy

Just that really - had rads to chest wall, collar bone etc. keep feeling itchy and a couple of spots there. Definitely no lumps. Just wondered if this could just happen months later?

Might be worth running this past the nurses in the Ask the Nurses section see what they think ? 


Have you changed anything recently? I had 10 sessions of radiotherapy in December. My skin was sore and itchy, but started to heal well.

I then changed the soap that I use in the shower without much thought to it. A big patch on the top of my breast was very painful and red for a week.

I spoke to the nurse, who suggested using hydrocortisone cream (though you can only use it for upto 7 days). It took a while, but it’s calmed down now.

Hope you’re feeling better now,


I have itchy skin on my chest area now but my radiotherapy finished 9 months ago. I did have 2 burns but they healed quickly and I can’t even see the scars now. Just strange how the area is itching!! I’ve tried a few creams including Hydrocortisone but nothing helps. No redness or rash! Anyone else have this?